Comparison of western blot transfer methods: wet, semi-dry and dry transfer methods Efficient and reliable protein transfer from the gel to the blotting membrane is the cornerstone of a successful western detection experiment. Accuracy o...
Continue reading:Western Blot Transfer Methods Explore:Transfer Systems Blocking nonspecific sites The membrane supports used in western blotting have a high affinity for proteins. Therefore, after the transfer of the proteins from the gel, i...
Comparison of western blot transfer methods: wet, semi-dry and dry transfer methods Efficient and reliable protein transfer from the gel to the blotting membrane is the cornerstone of a successful western detection experiment. Accuracy...
Comparison of Western blot, counterimmunoelectrophoresis, complement fixation and enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay for the diagnosis of Campylobacter infectionCampylobacter infectionELISAWestern blottingcomplement fixation testcounter immunoelectrophoresisFour different techniques, counterimmunoelectrophoresis (CIE), ...
Continue reading:Western Blot Transfer Methods Explore:Transfer Systems Blocking nonspecific sites The membrane supports used in western blotting have a high affinity for proteins. Therefore, after the transfer of the proteins from the gel,...
In these example experiments, in which all other conditions were equal, different blocking buffers quenched or enhanced the sensitivity and specificity of the western blot for individual proteins. In other cases, weak blocking ...
A comparison of signal emission curves for short- and long duration substrates.When there is an enzyme present in a western blot system, signal output peaks soon after substrate application and rapidly exhausts the substrate (Signal...
Continue reading: Western Blot Transfer Methods Explore: Transfer Systems Blocking nonspecific sites The membrane supports used in western blotting have a high affinity for proteins. Therefore, after the transfer of the proteins from the gel, it is important to block ...
Comparison of western blot transfer methods: wet, semi-dry and dry transfer methods Efficient and reliable protein transfer from the gel to the blotting membrane is the cornerstone of a successful western detection experiment. Accuracy...
Continue reading:Western Blot Transfer Methods Explore:Transfer Systems Blocking nonspecific sites The membrane supports used in western blotting have a high affinity for proteins. Therefore, after the transfer of the proteins from the gel, it is important to block the ...