Scientists who need to quickly develop reproducible processes might prefer a stain-free approach to Western blotting. As explained by Raymond R. Miller, product manager at Bio-Rad Laboratories (Hercules, CA), his company’s “Stain-Free Western Workflow doesn’t require staining ...
often with no supplemental blot source data made available to the reader. Methods sections frequently lacked information on the amount of protein loaded on the gel, blocking steps,
As highlighted earlier, a western blot involves numerous steps. This lengthy process drives up the time and cost required for accurate results. However, unlike an enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA), the western blot is less likely to give false-positive results, especially in diagnosing HIV...
“When you’re working with PROTACs, Western blots are the standard manner of assessing compound potency,” she explained. “However, traditional Westerns are time consuming and only semiquantitative.” With traditional Western blot analysis, it took the team at Aurelia a good 24 to 48 hours –...
“It had been amazing and also included too much for my own experience. I heard a whole great deal on a lot of degrees,” explained Alamoudi, who’s back in Jeddah. The residency application, that conducted between July and August, addressed participants’ needs and requirements having its ...
papers included only cropped blot images, often with no supplemental blot source data made available to the reader. Methods sections frequently lacked information on the amount of protein loaded on the gel, blocking steps, and antibody labeling protocol, and primary antibody identifiers were often ...