Weight exercises for middle back Pullovers and Flies Pullovers work the lats, the chest and the triceps. High row and reverse fly work the upper back, involving the shoulder blades as well as the back of the arms. Lateral bar pulldown Your thighs have to be under support while you sit...
Know the following terms to describe your body’s muscles so you better understand your trainer or training materials for weight lifting. SlangTranslation Pecs Chest Traps Upper back Lats Middle back Delts Shoulders Bis Front of upper arms Tris Rear of upper arms Abs Front midsection Glutes Butt ...
Overview The wide grip lat pulldown is a very effective and popular exercise for the back muscles. It works the whole upper back area and also the lats [...] March 19, 2015 Bent Over Barbell Row Overview If you have to choose only one exercise you have to perform to have a great...
Even though this exercise targets a big muscle like the lats, weak arms, and shoulders can seriously debilitate your ability to perform even one rep. Plenty of progressions are available to master the pull-up, making it possible for anyone to get their game up. Performing a compound exercise...
Compound exercises for the lats also involve the biceps and rear deltoids. Pulldown(compound) Bent-over row(compound) Deltoids and Trapezius(shoulders) Compound exercises for the shoulders also involve the arm muscles. Upright row(compound)
Target: Back, lats, biceps, core Equipment: Pull-up bar or any sturdy beam Chin-up is a pull-up variation but with an overhand grip. The difference in the grip makes the biceps work more compared to the regular pull-up which makes the exercise easier. You might have heard some misconce...
This is a basic yet excellent pull exercise targeting yourlatsandbicepswithmore focus on the later. Not to get confused with the very similar exercise, pull-ups, chin-ups are executed with anunderhand gripfor morebicep guns-building activation.To perform hang on a bar with a underhand grip...
You should write for Natural Strength!I always need good articles about drug-free weight training. It only has to be at least a page and nothing fancy. Just write it strong and truthful with passion!Send your articles directly to me: bobwhelan@naturalstrength.com ...
The exercise can be varied to work the lower lats harder (close grip pull downs) or the biceps (reverse grip pull downs). Core Exercises Crunches This is the classic abdominal exercise. It is performed while lying face up on the floor with knees bent and curling the shoulders up towards ...
Sit throughs are a great exercise to incorporate into cardio workouts, but you can slow them down to work the triceps and lats more. Start in a table top position with your hands underneath your shoulders and your knees underneath your hips. Your back should be flat and your knees should ...