Basically I slept a lot. Really. I also found these5 ways to beat jet lagworked for me. I hope these 5 ways would help you too, if you are going through hard times dealing with jet lag. 1. WORKOUT Took Coffee out for a jog at the park. L’Occitane Vision Run 5km Marathon and...
The 3 best ways to beat jet lagKeegan LarwinAlana Kakoyiannis
As we age, however, Harper admits that jet lag becomes harder to avoid. He no longer goes about it the old-fashioned way; “new age” preparation is now his go-to method for avoiding the loss of a few days of travel to exhaustion. I’m with Harper. And while the secrets I’m abo...
5 确定克服时差的方法-a ep-pvbh4V1Q(5 Surefire Ways to Beat Jet Lag-aEpPvbH4v1Q) 资源编号 :40254517 格式:mp4 文件体积 :55m 时长:02分 22秒 分辨率 :1280×720 浏览截图 MP4 55m 格式画质分辨率体积 加载中... 加载失败,点击重新加载 ...
Prepare to Beat Jet Lag Before Leaving Home: The week before your trip,get plenty of sleep, eat well and avoid situations where you might pick something up. Contracting a cold before you leave home is just bad news! Considermoving your bed timeone hour each day for a few days to prepare...
How to Beat Winter Blues Fortunately, winter blues will subside on its own with the warmer, brighter days of spring. But there’s no reason you have to wait until then to feel better. Here’s a look at some proven remedies that can have you feeling happier and more energetic now. ...
Regulate your circadian rhythm.Since we have yet to figure out how to control the sun, science has invented some cutting-edge phototherapy devices to mimic the sun’s light. These devices help keep you in tune with your circadian rhythm, promote wakefulness, beat jet lag, and enhance cognitive...
Hey, you can’t really beat that $400 you saved and its not really a big deal if you have to spend 10 or more hours in an airport, right? It never seems like a big deal at the time but when you arrive at your layover after a red-eye flight with jetlag and in desperate need ...
Bonus points if you dance along to the music for some added energy-boosting exercise. There’s evenevidenceto show that singing and tapping along to the beat can help reduce tiredness and increase energy. Boost Energy During the Afternoon Slump and Beyond ...
Team leaders and managers have a duty to support their remote employees to bridge the gap of the online environment. Here are some effective ways to support remote employees now, and in the future. Install the Right Tools One of the most important aspects of supporting employees during this ti...