In this IoT project, we will create a water level monitoring web server using an HC-SR04 Ultrasonic sensor and ESP32. It will be a contactless water level measurement system. First, we will learn to interface HC-SR04 with ESP32. After that, we will see program our ESP32 board with the...
ESP-WaterMonitor 基于esp8266的TDS、流量监测系统 特性 双路TDS/温度监测 双路流速/流量监测 WEB界面展示当前值/更新时间 MQTT/RESTful API支持 Arduino OTA/WEB OTA支持 基于telnet的远程debug输出 提供HomeAassistant配置范例 依赖 此项目依赖EasyMqtt库 ...
Our approach utilizes a controller of ESP8266 that can provide monitoring level of the water container. That controller will open and close the pump or valve automatically so that the water is not overflowing and wasted. We use an ultrasonic sensor to sense the level of the water. We utilize...
Water Level Measurement Here we discuss on low cost continuous liquid level monitoring system based on MPX5010DP differential pressure sensor. Most of the traditional measuring systems were designed and implemented by complicated hardware circuitry. It made the product expensive, with low functionality an...
Blinker library for embedded hardware. Works with Arduino, ESP8266, ESP32. move to - i3water/blinker-library
This task aims at monitoring parameters for soil like, soil moisture, humidity, and temperature while also regulating and monitoring the water level of the water tank. Smart irrigation system will improve crop fields while also saving water. Smart irrigation system can be used to control greenhouse...
This task aims at monitoring parameters for soil like, soil moisture, humidity, and temperature while also regulating and monitoring the water level of the water tank. Smart irrigation system will improve crop fields while also saving water. Smart irrigation system can be used to control greenhouse...
The system achieves real-time monitoring depending on the Internet of Things and a wireless sensor network to determine the water's pH level, total dissolved solids, temperature, and turbidity or conductivity to enable the river or marsh environment monitors to send the acquired data online to a...
proposed a water level monitoring system using an ultrasonic sensor to monitor and control the water level in the water tank. The system is designed to help residents monitor the tank’s water level and turbidity to reduce water wastage [7]. Zhukovskyy et al. designed a system that improves...
This system is focused on monitoring pH, temperature, turbidity, and electrical conductivity. In addition, they also monitored water level in a water tank. For pH, they used a three-in-one pH meter (no technical detailed provided). For conductivity, the sensor used was YL-69. The models ...