In this IoT project, we will create a water level monitoring web server using an HC-SR04 Ultrasonic sensor and ESP32. It will be a contactless water level measurement system. First, we will learn to interface HC-SR04 with ESP32. After that, we will see program our ESP32 board with the... WiFi manager is used to let your ESP32 know what your WiFi access points login credentials is. It is further used to capture the CayenneMQTT details, temperature limits for the geyser and to link the 3 Temperature sensors to its location (Top, bottom ...
Blinker library for embedded hardware. Works with Arduino, ESP8266, ESP32. move to - i3water/blinker-library
Similarly, the simulator was also verified using experimental results of a falling head test to monitor water level changes over a given time (Tosaka 2007; Section S4, Figs. S17–S19 and Tables S13–S15 of the ESM). Furthermore, verifications for the pumping test of a confined aquifer (...
Almobarek, M. Monitoring water consumption using machine learning. InProc. 11th Annual International Conference on Industrial Engineering and Operations Management3493–3499 (IEOM Society International, 2021). Javaid, N. Machine learning fundamentals: basic theory underlying the field of machine learning....
This article describes the development and implementation of a water resource management system utilizing open technologies such as the ESP32 microcontroller and MicroPython. This system stands out for its low cost, high efficiency and adaptability to various environments, thanks to the integration of ...
Keywords: embedded sensors;water quality monitoring system;water pollution and sensing methods
离线语音唤醒 ESP-SR 流式语音对话(WebSocket 或 UDP 协议) 支持国语、粤语、英语、日语、韩语 5 种语言识别 SenseVoice 声纹识别,识别是谁在喊 AI 的名字 3D Speaker 大模型 TTS(火山引擎 或 CosyVoice) 大模型 LLM(Qwen2.5 72B 或 豆包 API) 可配置的提示词和音色(自定义角色) 短期记忆,每轮对话后自我...
Greenland Atmospheric isotopic monitoring was carried out as part of the international deep drilling program at the NEEM site48 in northwest Greenland (77.45° N, 51.05° W, 2484 m above the mean sea level) during the summer field campaigns of 2010 (24 May to 3 August), 2011 (5 July ...
At the time of this soil survey, according to the study of Wang, Liu, and Wang (2007), the wet season had passed and the soil water recharge got a maximum level. Stable SWC was obtained by oven-dry method of 105 °C, which is expressed as a gravimetric percentage in g 100 g–1....