By building a wireless water tank level indicator cum alarm, you can overcome numerous issues associated with wired alarms: It’s easier to install as you don’t need to pass any wires through or along the walls or ceilings. You can build one transmitter, mount it on the tank, and then ...
ESP-WaterMonitor 基于esp8266的TDS、流量监测系统 特性 双路TDS/温度监测 双路流速/流量监测 WEB界面展示当前值/更新时间 MQTT/RESTful API支持 Arduino OTA/WEB OTA支持 基于telnet的远程debug输出 提供HomeAassistant配置范例 依赖 此项目依赖EasyMqtt库 ...
Blinker library for embedded hardware. Works with Arduino, ESP8266, ESP32. move to - i3water/blinker-library
Therefore, the number of peaks in Vout over 15 s is a good indicator of MV (IMV); see Equation (5). When the MV increases the number of peaks will increase. I MV = n◦ o f peaks time (s) (5) Therefore, the number of peaks in Vout over 15 s is a good indicator of MV ...
The use of wireless sensors for real-time monitoring of field water level would greatly facilitate the application of alternate wetting and drying (AWD), an irrigation water management technique proven to result to significant water savings and reduced methane emissions in lowland rice production system...
but the system cost is very high due to using the commercially available sensor. Moreover, real-time water quality monitoring still relies on very few factors, including water temperature, velocity, level, conductivity, dissolved oxygen (DO), and pH [120]. Therefore, this research proposes a ...
It is an important indicator of crop planting structure, the larger the leaf area index the greater the crop’s effect on irrigation water retention, but also affects the normal respiration of the crop. The calculation formula is shown below: 𝐿𝐴𝐼=0.75𝜌∑𝑖=1𝑚∑𝑗=1𝑛𝐿...
Using the received signal strength Indicator (RSSI), the maximum distance that a node can send data was 910 m while working at 968 MHz. Qian et al. [169] presented the design of a flexible RFID tag for sensing minerals in water using a smartphone. The front-end sensing module was a ...