Theory and evidence indicate that trees and other vegetation influence the atmospheric water-cycle in various ways. These influences are more important, more complex, and more poorly characterised than is widely realised. While there is little doubt that
Reddy VM, Babu KS, Balaram V, Satyanarayanan M (2012) Assessment of the effects of municipal sewage, immersed idols and boating on the heavy metal and other elemental pollution of surface water of the eutrophic Hussainsagar Lake (Hyderabad, India). Environ Monitor Assess 184:1991–2000. https...
Importantly, there have been several new reports about the rapid increase of INPs in the atmosphere shortly after rainfall and we have been reminded of the data on this phenomenon from as early as the 1950’s – all bolstering the occurrence of this important step of the bioprecipitation cycl...