Thistudy examined participationnd performancerends inhe 26.4-kmpen-waterltra-swim "Marathonwim in Lake Zurich,"witzerland.otalf 461thletes (157 womennd 304en)inishedheaceetween 1987nd 2011.heeangefheinishers duringhetudied period was 32.0 ± 6.5 yearsorennd 30.9 ± 7.2 yearsor women.heeangefin...
stcb securetransactio stcks std code within india stda stdevcolname stdh steaalkonium chloride steady state performa steady and composed steady condition steady flow field steady numerical simu steady state solution steady state speed re steady state voltage steady-flow reactor steady-state output ...
Penman HL (1948) Natural evaporation from open water, bare soil and grass. P Roy Soc Lond A Mat 193:120–145 CASGoogle Scholar Percy KE, Awmack CS, Lindroth RL, Kubiske ME, Kopper BJ, Isebrands JG, Pregitzer KS, Hendrey GR, Dickson RE, Zak DR, Oksanen E, Sober J, Harrington R...
(2009): “those which depend upon freshwater habitats for any critical part of their life cycle” e.g. amphibians (egg and tadpole stage). We also included animals that spend a significant part of their lives in water or near it, for feeding, reproduction, etc., such as some freshwater ...
The water environmental conditions of the study area, therefore, are very beneficial for the deposition of hydrogenic ferromanganese nodules. Statistical analysis of major elements suggests that the major elements of Al, Fe, Mg, K and Ti represent the terrigenous element association. The ratios of ...
sivaliks sivas bg siwanense franch siwogld six abnormal changes six air bags six arrested six secu six as six chapters of float six dynasties lotus six feet under gestor six foundation works six freaking thirty six harmonious tower six nations champions six new spark plugs six of one half ...
Figure4a displays the probability density function (PDF) of the log-transformed LMS in the NA and EP. According to the Kolmogorov–Smirnov (KS) test statistics, thePvalue from the normality test of the transformed LMS distributions is 0.45 and 0.62, respectively, for NA and EP TCs. This mea...
Figure 2. Process description of soil water and heat coupling model. P was the precipitation (mm); Ts was the soil surface temperature (°C); Ta was the air temperature at the height of 1.5 m (°C); RH was the air relative humidity (%); Ks was the water stress coefficient; Kc ...
Figure 2. Graphic Illustration of the Solution of the Dynamics-Based Equation of Anthropogenic Processes. It is clear that the existence of the water ecosystem is impossible if the limit cycle of reproduction is violated, which is associated with the inability to compensate for anthropogenic disturban...
Sanks for helpful discussion. The funders had no role in study design, data collection and analysis, decision to publish or preparation of the paper. Author information Authors and Affiliations Department of Earth and Atmospheric Sciences, Indiana University, Bloomington, IN, USA Douglas A. Edmonds...