The secretariat of the headquarters for water cycle policy. 水循環に関する主な取組状況 Google Scholar [11] Ministry of Land Infrastructure Transport and tourism (MLIT). 下水処理水の再利用水質基準等 マニュアル ...
An explanation for the isotopic offset between soil and stem water in a temperate tree speciesecohydrologyFagus sylvaticaplant water sourcesroot water uptakewater isotopesA growing number of field studies report isotopic offsets between stem water and its potential sources that prevent the unambiguous ...
To test whether these regions are significantly enriched in male or female-biased genes, we developed a bootstrap approach (Additional file17: Figure S10C). As the mean expression level of a gene influences the log2FC value (i.e., genes with low expressions are more likely to have high lo...
A tenable explanation is the hormonal fluctuations associated with the menstrual cycle or use of oral contraceptive pills [62], neither of which were controlled for the in present study, potentially obscuring the sex differences that are presently reported, and is limitation of the current study. ...
There is growing support and interest in postsecondary interdisciplinary environmental education, which integrates concepts and disciplines in addition to providing varied perspectives. There is a need to assess student learning in these programs as well
Groundwater recharge is defined as the soil water flux that enters groundwater from the overlying soil, and is a critical link in the hydrological cycle. It is one of the most important hydrogeological considerations in both water resource management and waste disposal in arid and semi-arid regio...
Overall, we follow a modified question development cycle (Urban-Lurain et al., 2015) (Fig. 1) that integrates question, rubric, and text classification model scoring as part of an integrative formative assessment development and validation process. Broadly, this approach uses linguistic feature-based...
Water and energy cycle in central Tibetan Plateau Use of multi-source non-discharge data for validation 1 Introduction [2] The Tibetan Plateau (TP), sometimes also called the “Third Pole,” covers a large area around 2.5 × 106 km2. It is the highest plateau in the world, with aver...
Wheat varieties planted in the spring need to complete their growth cycle in a short time, which favors the selection for the strong Vrn-A1a spring allele (Yan et al. 2004). Once Vrn-A1a is present, the additional presence of Vrn-D1 or Vrn-B1 has limited effect. By contrast, spring...
The frequency of straining was one cycle per four minutes. The velocity was 0.5 mm/min. The tests were performed for three vertical strains (1, 2, and 3 kg/cm2). Shear displacement and vertical changes were continuously monitored. The effects of vertical stresses, void ratio, and particle...