War Thunder ist das umfangreichste, kostenlos spielbare, plattformübergreifende Militär-MMO, das der Luftfahrt, den Landstreitkräften und Flotten des Zweiten Weltkriegs und Kalten Kriegs gewidmet ist. Ziehe gemeinsam mit Flugzeugen, Landfahrzeugen und Kriegsschiffen in gewaltige Schlachten! ...
隆重介绍War Thunder:焰雨更新。此次更新加入了超过30款全新载具,包括美洲豹攻击机,备受期待的“剃刀背”P-47 雷电,新型号的T-72B主战坦克以及更多全新的战机,地面载具以及舰船! 与此同时,新版本还包含了新地图和作战任务。以及各种游戏性改进和一长串的bug修复!
War Thunder Video11 October 2022 T-34 Family The T-34 was and remains a legend. Thousands of these tanks were instrumental in defending the Soviet Union from the German invasion and became famous worldwide thanks to their exceptional capabilities. Today we’re going to tell you how to unlock...
[即将推出] 美国 VI 级坦克 提示:游戏仅支持安卓10以上系统 游戏截图 <> 多平台下载 Android版 战争雷霆手游官方正版(War Thunder Mobile) v1.5.4.91 安卓版 直接点击下载 直接点击下载 中文名:战争雷霆 包名:com.gaijingames.wtm MD5:B70F924E343C75F2A8A00DB4E81CCE5C...
终于有幸轮到我被鉴挂了,那我就借着这个机会不客气的秀下技术吧~ 以上就这么多,其实啊,鉴挂是小事,能帮助新人提升,同时各位看得过瘾,我玩的也爽才是大头 视频种的走位,机动,意识以及解说可以说是意识入门版实战版教科书了,我自己在铺字幕的时候都被惊到了,也希望希此视频能帮助各位空战萌新解惑,快速提升...
终于有幸轮到我被鉴挂了,那我就借着这个机会不客气的秀下技术吧~ 以上就这么多,其实啊,鉴挂是小事,能帮助新人提升,同时各位看得过瘾,我玩的也爽才是大头 视频种的走位,机动,意识以及解说可以说是意识入门版实战版教科书了,我自己在铺字幕的时候都被惊到了,也希望希此视频能帮助各位空战萌新解惑,快速提升...
Many of you have been playing War Thunder for a long time and have many friends with whom you play together from time to time. But at the same time you and your friends can be in different squadrons for some historical or game reasons. You can play WWM together in a squad but what ...
12 100,00 HUF+ Belefoglalt játékokWar Thunder Belefoglalt bővítményekWar Thunder - Two Fronts PackUGRÁS A JÁTÉKRA War Thunder - Full Alert Bundle 15 600,00 HUF+ Belefoglalt játékokWar Thunder Belefoglalt bővítményekWar Thunder - Full Alert PackUGRÁS A JÁTÉKRA War...
aircraft in War Thunder, including 48 S-5 unguided rockets, 8 high-caliber 212mm S-1s, and a few of 6х100 kg, 4х250 kg, or 2х500 kg HE bombs. The F-86 is the latest version of the legendary Sabre, the F modification for the American Air Force. The aircraft was developed ...
In War Thunder, aerei, elicotteri d'attacco, forze di terra e navi militari collaborano in realistiche battaglie competitive. Puoi scegliere tra oltre 2.500 veicoli e un'ampia varietà di situazioni di combattimento, molte delle quali esclusive. Puoi ritrovarti a far esplodere i tuoi insegui...