War Thunder Wiki: Short Guides Competition A well-trained ally doesn’t make obvious mistakes in battle. They are an asset, and instead, will aid you in your path to victory. How might one hope for a well-trained ally? Well, your ally’s best teacher could be you after you’ve partic...
《He 177 A-5 - War Thunder Wiki》剧情简介:而从她和傅程鹏之间的相处也能略知一二这只山猪已经重伤濒死但恰恰是这种状态的野兽最为危险它们将迸第七十一节:力可扛猪思低调发出生命的最后余光更加疯狂和难缠一不小心就会遭个跟头被獠牙捣烂肚肠He 177 A-5 - War Thunder Wiki两人的目光对上...
已知问题 新载具可能在性能参数、装甲分布、武器配置等方面存在不准确之处。 新增地面载具装甲模型尚在开发阶段 (WIP),仍需进一步的调整和改进。 部分新增机型可能缺少座舱视角。 部分载具乘员组外观模型可能存在缺失。 部分武器挂载及改装件名称未进行本地
◊MiG-29 ◄MiG-29G ◄Tornado IDS ASSTA1 ◄Tornado IDS MFG Media Book of Records: German Aircraft-War Thunder Official Channel Heinkel Aircraft-War Thunder Official Channel Climbing the ranks with German aircraft-War Thunder Official Channel...
. In addition to all this, the winter version of the location "Seversk", a new location for fans of avionics - Pyrenees, and as always, many improvements and fixes! Let's welcome the "Sky Guardians" update! Aviation 18 new and updated aircraft, among them the unique Yak-141, refreshed...
为下列战机新增 1600 千克 PC1600 型穿甲炸弹 : He 177 A-5, Ju 188 A-2, Me 264. 为下列战机新增 800 千克 九九式八〇番五号爆弹(穿甲): G8N1 为下列导弹新增了对机动目标发射距离的计算和显示功能: R-27R, R-27T, R-27ER, R-27ET, R-60, R-60M, R-73, AIM-7F, AIM-7M, AIM-9L,...
第五场,简直就是第一场的翻版,又只剩下我一个对抗1台Ta152、1台G56、1台109K4、1台Fw190、1台He177 在机场庇护下爬升到4200高度时对方开了指令,一窝蜂的围殴上来,在不断的下降躲避后将G56、109K4、190勾引进机场高射炮范围,G56和190当场被击毙,K4俯冲贴地逃窜,结果被我追上击落,152BZ被我躲过后在脱离...
The Panzer IV was the mainstay of the panzer force (panzerwaffe) throughout the war, getting the job done when possible while the flashier Tiger and Panther stole its thunder. Collectors, though, appreciate the Panzer IV and they sell for millions of dollars in good condition. Main armament...
Combat Aircraft(共150册),这套丛书还有 《Heinkel He 177 Units of World War 2》《P-47 Thunderbolt Units of the Twelfth Air Force》《US Navy PBY Catalina Units of the Pacific War》《Ju 52/3m Bomber and Transport Units 1936-41》《Il-2 Shturmovik Guard Units of World War 2》等。 我来...
The M-51 was a medium tank developed on the M4 Sherman chassis for the Israeli Defense Forces (IDF) to support the M-50s with a more powerful gun. [caption id="attachment_132256" align="aligncenter" width="2560"] This article has been sponsored by Armored Warfare. Start your mercenary ...