He 219 A-7- A bug where the armour on the right engine differs from the left one by 1mm has been fixed. B6N1, B6N2, B6N2a— a bug has been fixed that prevented the protected fuel tanks from being repaired. Ki-45 otsu, Ki-45 hei— a bug with missing module “compressor” has ...
He 219A-7 - Has been initially configured according to the data sheet.The current provided patchnotes reflect the major changes within the game as part of this Update. Some updates and fixes may be not listed in the provided notes. War Thunder is constantly improving all the time and certai...
Brickmania has been the world’s leading producer of historical military custom LEGO kits since our first clumsy models more than a decade ago. World War II vehicles have been the most popular kits we’ve done to date and therefore the most prolific period we’ve covered. The kits have grow...
The Panzer IV was the mainstay of the panzer force (panzerwaffe) throughout the war, getting the job done when possible while the flashier Tiger and Panther stole its thunder. Collectors, though, appreciate the Panzer IV andthey sell for millionsof dollars in good condition. Main armament: ...
["uk_ac4_thunderbolt"]="A.C.IV", ["uk_armored_car_aec_mk_2"]="AEC Mk II", ["us_skink_aa"]="▃石龙子", ["uk_skink_aa"]="石龙子", ["uk_falcon"]="猎鹰", ["ussr_asu_57"]="ASU-57", ["ussr_asu_85"]="ASU-85", ["germ_pzkpfw_V_ersatz_m10"]="M10 伪装车", [...
Thunder Blast Your next Thunder Clap becomes a Thunder Blast that deals Stormstrike damage. burst_of_power = { 94807, 437118, 1 }, -- Lightning Strikes have a 15% chance to make your next 2 Bloodthirsts have no cooldown, deal 35% increased damage, and generate 2 additional Rage...
"Ripe for Cooperation or Rivalry? Commerce, Realpolitik, and War Memory in Contemporary Sino-Japanese Relations" Asian Security 4(2): 162-197.He Yinan.“Ripe for Cooperationor Rivalry?Commerce,Realpolitik,and War Memory in Contemporary Sino-Japanese Relations”. AsianSecurity . 2008...
-- https://wowhead.com/beta/spell=117952 crackling_jade_lightning = { id = 117952, duration = function() return talent.power_of_the_thunder_king.enabled and 2 or 4 end, tick_time = function() return talent.power_of_the_thunder_king.enabled and 0.5 or 1 end, type = "Magi...
Y– 未知 DKY1 – HE-VT 除此以外,GP 代表“制导战斗部”(Guided Projectiles),从炮射反坦克导弹到火炮制导炮弹都是如此,而 BTA 代表钢针,例如 BTA4,即外贸版的 DTW125。部分出口武器使用了这一缩写,军队内部如何则不得而知。 导弹一般来说,所有导弹都有两个字母的代号,大部分也有两个名字,例如红箭-10也...