When Ghost Recon Breakpoint released in October of 2019 it only supported the DX11 API. There was no DX12 or other API support. However, we were all pleasantly surprised when it was announced the game would be getting an upgrade. After five months of the game already being out,Title Update...
__答__:是的,DX11和Vulkan都将视频与图像设置保存在__GRB.ini __文件里(文件路径是C:\Users\...\Documents\MyGames\Ghost Recon Breakpoint folder)。__问:使用Vulkan的系统要求是否一样?___答__:是的,DX11和Vulkan对系统的要求是一样的,但我们推荐使用支持Vulkan的显卡,VRAM至少为4GB。__问:我的系统无...
IQueryPool:用于跟踪遮挡或管道统计信息查询结果。 动态状态对象:IColorBlendState,IDepthStencilState 和 IMsaaState 定义与 DX11 类似的相关固定功能图形状态的逻辑集合。 IPerfExperiment:用于收集性能计数器和线程跟踪数据。 IBorderColorPalette:提供可索引颜色的集合,供钳制到任意边框颜色的采样器使用。 公共基础类 I...
DXVK needs also dxgi.dll for DX11 and DX10. Deleted member 229454, Jul 24, 2021 #152 WhiteLightning likes this. Krteq Maha Guru Messages: 1,219 Likes Received: 879 GPU: MSI RTX 3080 WC DXVK 1.9.1 Bug fixes and Improvements Fixed a number of performance and stability i...
动态状态对象:IColorBlendState,IDepthStencilState 和 IMsaaState 定义与 DX11 类似的相关固定功能图形状态的逻辑集合。 IPerfExperiment:用于收集性能计数器和线程跟踪数据。 IBorderColorPalette:提供可索引颜色的集合,供钳制到任意边框颜色的采样器使用。 公共基础类 ...
dxgi is the unification point between dx 9, dx10, dx 11 and dx 12. So welcome to possible hell there are applications out there that include dx9, dx10, dx11 code in one application rendering to 1 window. I know gallium nine has performance but with what you are doing I would recommend...
+ 自Vulkan1.2以来,可以在flags中指定VK_FRAMEBUFFER_CREATE_IMAGELESS_BIT,并使pNext指向一个VkFramebufferAttachmentsCreateInfo结构体,以创建无图帧缓冲(imageless framebuffer),这种帧缓冲仅指定图像附件的大小、图层数和图像格式,而实际的图像附件则在渲染通道开始时再行指定,详见Ch6-1 无图像帧缓冲。 @@ -988...
point_1, Vector3 point_2) { Vector3 vector; vector.x = point_2.x - point_1.x;...