Let’s talk a little about the gaming engine first, and then we’ll go into what the new patch brought so we can then test its performance. The gaming engine this game uses is theAnvilNext 2.0game engine which is based on DX11. The AnvilNext gaming engine was developed by Ubisoft Montr...
Vulkan有一个用于Debug的验证层validation layer, 其处于API和GPU驱动之间, 我们可以自己编写要在验证层进行哪些debug操作, 同时在发布版关闭它 Vulkan的Pipeline阶段和Dx11的标准管线是一样的 Vulkan的着色器都采用了编译后的二进制形式, 这是为了避开不同驱动厂商对高级着色器语言的编译适配问题, 带来了不便但提高了...
Vulkan is WAY better than both OpenGL and DX11. The difference in performance between Vulkan and OpenGL in most games can get to twice the framerate, when it comes to running them on budget setups. On my Ryzen 3 2200g with the onboard gpu I can run Doom 2016 at 60fps with vulkan,...
每次更换显卡驱动后,DX11也是会首次{非每次}会在你运行游戏时加载着色器,这时CPU使用率会占用不少,4核8线程也许会满载,会持续几分钟后恢复至正常状态,你若也是"刚更换显卡驱动后首次运行游戏"为避免遇上这种卡顿,最好是先进人机模式观察CPU使用率是否正常再去上分) GPU 记忆体超额订用(要求的 GPU 记忆体用量超出...
I can run this app in DX11, OpenGL 4.5 and Vulkan. The test system contains an integrated Intel HD Graphics GPU and an nVidia Quadro GPU. If I run with DX11 or GL on nVidia, the app runs and I see the profile overlay display. Running on intel GPU in any mode fails shortly after ...
why did you think the first GCN have the hardware despite the API (DX11) did not support it's usage? why only in DX12 async compute being incorporate into direct x? that's because AMD has been pushing async compute to be part of the API since the very first iteration of GCN but it...
MoltenVK is good enough, and with VK_EXT_shader_object support, it should be able to make Vulkan emulate Metal/DX11. Vulkan is moving back to shaders and dynamic state from the locked-down PSOs that it started with. Even AMD's consoles aren't that locked down in their graphics APIs. ...
+ 自Vulkan1.2以来,可以在flags中指定VK_FRAMEBUFFER_CREATE_IMAGELESS_BIT,并使pNext指向一个VkFramebufferAttachmentsCreateInfo结构体,以创建无图帧缓冲(imageless framebuffer),这种帧缓冲仅指定图像附件的大小、图层数和图像格式,而实际的图像附件则在渲染通道开始时再行指定,详见Ch6-1 无图像帧缓冲。 @@ -988...
DXVK needs also dxgi.dll for DX11 and DX10. Deleted member 229454, Jul 24, 2021 #152 WhiteLightning likes this. Krteq Maha Guru Messages: 1,178 Likes Received: 833 GPU: MSI RTX 3080 WC DXVK 1.9.1 Bug fixes and Improvements Fixed a number of performance and stability ...
(like OpenGL or DX11) to Vulkan, you basically have to replicate in your engine the dependency tracking, memory management and synchronization that the GL/DX11 driver used to do for you. That’s a lot of work, and performance will be less than optimal. If you are willing to re-architect...