【Modelsim常见问题】Error: (vsim-3170) Could not find 这个错误发生的原因通常是测试的tb文件模块名和文件名不一致导致,参考如下:
# ** Error: (vsim-3170) Could not find 'lab1_tb'. 这是因为 testbench文件名与其中module后紧跟的名称不匹配: 这里我的testbench文件名是tab1_tb, 但仿真模块里面却是logic_gates_tb, 将仿真模块里面的logic_gates_tb改为lab1_tb就可以了。
【Modelsim常见问题】Error: (vsim-3170) Could not find**Error: (vsim-3170) Could not find '……simulation/modelsim/rtl_work.HEX4_tb'.Error loading design 小梅哥 2020-02-13 20:18:14 modelsim和Quartus使用问题 returned success but vsim could not find a design to simulate!. Please contact ...
**Error: (vsim-3170) Could not find '……simulation/modelsim/rtl_work.HEX4_tb'.Error loading...
When I run the simulation , the two files compile but I get the error: ** Error: (vsim-3170) Could not find 'C:\FPGA\DDS\work. '. But in the work folder there are the .dbs , .dat files (output of the compile process). Any hint on what could be ...
我今天刚刚解决了这个问题 我的问题在于我的工程文件建在了e盘,而我的软件装在了c盘,当我把工程文件重新建立在安装软件时的那个c盘的文件夹时,就不会报错了
Error: (vsim-3170) Could not find 'D:/MainFiles/Projekty Altera/Project/Simulation/work.asyncSerDes_tb'. --- Quote End --- When i try to start simulation - still Error 3033 with altsyncram. Cheers, L. :) Translate 0 Kudos Copy link Reply Altera_Fo...
**Error: (vsim-3170) Could not find '……simulation/modelsim/rtl_work.adder8_vhd_tst'. 问题描述 从我的电脑查看文件夹……simulation/modelsim/rtl_work,发现了h_ad... 查看原文 QUARTUS15.0和MODELSIM联合仿真 bench文件,而后进行编译后可以在工作目录下的simultation-modelsim目录文件夹中找到对应后缀为vht...
这个错误是可抑制的,只需要在仿真脚本中加入这个选项: 我使用的是tcl脚本编译的,如果使用的是Quartus软件的话可以参考这个教程: 【Quartus_modelsim】12110波形仿真错误解决 - Mothlove - 博客园 (cnblogs.com)
When I run the simulation , the two files compile but I get the error: ** Error: (vsim-3170) Could not find 'C:\FPGA\DDS\work. '. But in the work folder there are the .dbs , .dat files (output of the compile process). Any hint on what...