ls命令基本每个linux shell都会存在,因为这是基本的应用命令。就好比,手机接打电话、短信内容一样,这是最基本的,所以不可能是没有这个命令。1、你可以先用whereis或者which命令查看一下有没有这个命令 具体执行 which ls whereis ls 2、有可能是系统环境变量导致的问题 解决方案:export PATH=/usr/...
edited by ghost Hello, When I run make in the vsim directory, it yields the following: mkdir -p /home/alpha/rocket-chip/vsim/generated-src/ cd /home/alpha/rocket-chip && java -Xmx2G -Xss8M -XX:MaxPermSize=256M -jar /home/alpha/rocket-chip/sbt-launch.jar "run-main rocketchip.Gen...
当我把vsim放了 No command 'vsim' found, did you mean: ... 但是,当我尝试从Grlib运行Leon3的模拟时,通过Make VSim-Laught我得到了 /bin/sh: 1: vsim: not found 看答案 您可以转到模型安装的bin目录,并执行“./vsim”。如果该工作将BIN路径添加到您的〜/ .bashrc 智能...
Thevsimcommand is used to invoke the VSIM simulator, or to view the results of a previous simulation run (when invoked with the-viewswitch). You can specify a configuration, an entity/architecture pair, or a module for simulation. If a configuration is specified, it is invalid to specify ...
error: tag'v0.9.5-1.1'not found. error: gpg failed to sign the data: gpg: directory'/home/hachi/.gnupg'created gpg: keybox'/home/hachi/.gnupg/pubring.kbx'created gpg: skipped"weilinfox <>": No secret key ...
# ** Fatal: (vsim-3365) D:/util/t_fourBcompare.v(10): Too many port connections. Expected 5, found 11. # Time: 0 ps Iteration: 0 Instance: /t_fourBcompare/M1 File: D:/util/FourBcompare.v # FATAL ERROR while loading design ...
Describe the bug The onnxsim command cannot be used after pip installation of v0.4.0. Install $ pip3 install -U pip && pip3 install onnxsim --upgrade $ onnxsim -h onnxsim: command not found My workaround I have confirmed that building fr...
Hello, When I install Quartus Pro for evaluation, trying to free use, I have issues when I open questa sim as attached snapshot, "MSVCR120.dll was not found" would you please let me know how I can fix it? Thanks in advance, Sun Kim Translate vsim.png 13 KB ...
** Error: (vsim-3033)...Instantiation of 'Xilinx's PRIMITIVE' failed. The design unit was not found. Hi, I'm trying to simulate MIG controller (generated using Vivado 2013.4) in ModelSim 10.2c. I have compiled the simulation library and have i...
Press enter to continue /usr/lib/git-core/git-gui: line 10: exec: wish: not found error: tag 'v0.9.5-1.1' not found. error: gpg failed to sign the data: gpg: directory '/home/hachi/.gnupg' created gpg: keybox '/home/hachi/.gnupg/pubring.kbx' created gpg: skipped "weilinfox...