这是VSCode进程的类型,--type就是VSCode启动进程时识别进程类型的标识。有渲染进程,插件进程,GPU进程,可关闭,Watcher进程,和Webpack的Watch有些相似,都是监控文件变化的,搜索进程。插件是由渲染进程fork出来的,且一般情况插件共享一个进程,Debug进程比较特殊,它单独占用一个进程。 源码之加载工作台 // src/main.js...
"type": "python", // 指定调试器类型,Python。 "request": "launch", // 调试会话的类型。"launch" 表示启动一个新程序的调试会话。 "program": "${file}", // 启动文件的路径。${file}是VSCode的预定义变量,代表当前光标所在的文件。也可以直接指定xx.py "console": "integratedTerminal", // 指定...
[9742:0703/085843.554623:WARNING:sandbox_linux.cc(418)] InitializeSandbox() called with multiple threads in process gpu-process. [9704:0703/085844.466590:INFO:CONSOLE(655)] "%cTRACE color: #888 Error while resolving configuration file 'file:///path/to/project/.vscode/tasks.json': Unable to ...
OS Version: ChromeOS Flex - Version 121.0.6167.155 (Official Build) beta (64-bit) logs malix@penguin:~$ code --verbose --vmodule="*/components/os_crypt/*=1"[4440:0205/111417.468418:VERBOSE1:key_storage_util_linux.cc(52)] Password storage detected desktop environment: (unknown) [4440:0205...
"type": "cuda-gdb", "request": "attach", "processId": "${command:cuda.pickProcess}" } ] } Has someone found this issue? Thank you navyaasanan2023 年4 月 3 日 22:152 Hi! When using the debug console to issue commands to cuda-gdb you want to prefix them with “-exec” or “...
The Electron shell used by Visual Studio Code has trouble with some GPU (graphics processing unit) hardware acceleration. If VS Code is displaying a blank (empty) main window, you can try disabling GPU acceleration when launching VS Code by adding the Electron--disable-gpucommand-line switch. ...
extends: ['plugin:vue/vue3-essential', 'plugin:@typescript-eslint/recommended'], rules: { // js/ts https://eslint.org/docs/rules 'no-console': process.env.NODE_ENV === 'production' ? 'off' : 'off', 'no-debugger': process.env.NODE_ENV === 'production' ? 'error' : 'off'...
路径:src\vs\platform\diagnostics\electron-main\diagnosticsService.ts 根据不同的操作系统,计算CPU消耗、内存消耗、GPU消耗等 界面主题服务:ThemeMainService 路径:src\vs\platform\theme\electron-main\themeMainService.ts 获取背景色、设置背景色 数据通过stateService保存 ...
1{ 2 "version": "0.2.0", 3 "configurations": [ 4 5 { 6 "name": "(gdb) Launch", 7 "type": "cppdbg", 8 "request": "launch", 9 "program": "/apollo/bazel-bin/modules/perception/camera/test/camera_lib_lane_postprocessor_denseline_lane_postprocessor_test", 10 "args": [], ...
// - canvas: 使用标准 GPU/基于 canvas 的渲染器 1721 // - dom: 使用基于 DOM 的备用渲染器。1722 "terminal.integrated.rendererType": "auto", 1723 1724 // 控制终端对右键单击的响应方式。1725 // - default: 显示上下文菜单。1726 // - copyPaste: 当有内容选中时进行复制,否则进行粘贴。