Context Instructions:This is the system prompt for the model. It guides the model the way in which it has to behave to a particular scenario. For example, we can ask it to respond in a Shakespearean tone, and it will respond accordingly. I will input “Respond in...
In this tutorial, you will install and configure an RDP server using xrdp on a Ubuntu 22.04 server and access it using an RDP client from your local machine. You will understand how to establish access to a remote Linux server by configuring and using an RDP connection. Deploy your...
vscode.workspace){returnvscode.window.showErrorMessage('Please open a project folder first');}constfolderPath=vscode.workspace.workspaceFolders[0].uri.toString().split(':')[1];consthtmlContent=`<!
"terminal.integrated.commandsToSkipShell\\\": [\\n \\\"{ \\\"key\\\": \\\".\\\", \\\"command\\\": \\\"\\\" }\\\"\\n ],\\n \\\"workbench.colorTheme\\\": \\\"One Dark Pro\\\",\\n \\\"cSpell.enableFiletypes\\\": [\\\"properties\\\"],\\n \\\"project...
1. First, we have to initialize the Ollama inference server by typing the following command in the terminal. ollama serve Powered By 2. Go to VSCode extensions, search for the "CodeGPT" tool, and install it. CodeGPT lets you connect any model provider using the API key. 3. Set up...
GPU: tegra_fb RAM: 531MiB / 7860MiB i have been folowing this script: GitHub GitHub - zenetio/Install-VScode-On-TX2: How to install VScode on Nvidia TX2 How to install VScode on Nvidia TX2. Contribute to zenetio/Install-VScode-On-TX2 development by creating an account on GitHub. I’...
VSCode doesn't really provide anything useful about what extension generated the error that I'm seeing. When I right click and copy the message, I'm given this information, which I don't find to be particularly helpful: { "resource": "Untitled-1", "owner": "languageErrors31", "severity...
This Docker image will run Jupyter Lab with startup script / and config /opt/jupyter/.jupyter/ It needs to be tweaked like the following.Enable token (so that VSCode can connect properly) Change notebook directory to /kaggle/workingCreate jupyter_note...
.vscode 資料夾包含 launch.json 的組態檔。 一個modules 資料夾,其中包含每個模組的子資料夾。 在每個模組的子資料夾內,會有 module.json 檔案,可控制模組的建置與部署方式。 一個.env 檔案,會列出您的環境變數。 容器登錄的環境變數預設為 localhost:5000。 兩個名為 deployment.template.json 和deployment....
I added this information to.vscode/seetings.json: { "cmake.sourceDirectory": "${workspaceFolder}/llvm", "cmake.configureSettings": { "LLVM_ENABLE_PROJECTS" : "mlir", "LLVM_BUILD_EXAMPLES" : "ON", "LLVM_TARGETS_TO_BUILD" : "X86;NVPTX;AMDGPU", ...