Ctrl+OOpen File… 打开文件 Ctrl+SSave 保存文件 Ctrl+Shift+SSave As…保存为… Ctrl+K SSave All 保存全部文件 Ctrl+F4Close 关闭文件窗口 Ctrl+K Ctrl+WClose All 关闭所有文件 Ctrl+Shift+TReopen closed editor 重新打开关闭文件 Ctrl+KEnter Keep preview mode editor open 把预览文件(tab栏为斜体)打...
Open File... Ctrl+S 保存Save Ctrl+Shift+S 另存为... Save As... Ctrl+K S 全部保存 Save All Ctrl+F4 关闭Close Ctrl+K Ctrl+W 关闭所有 Close All Ctrl+Shift+T 重新打开关闭的编辑器 Reopen closed editor Ctrl+K 输入保持打开 Enter Keep Open Ctrl+Tab 打开下一个 Open next Ctrl+Shift+...
I'm using kali linux latest version.And after installing VSC, the drive paths on my desktop are opening in VSC. The paths for drives on my desktop opens just as if its a text file. Its just happing on desktop. I can access my drives from...
Open File… Ctrl+S 保存Save Ctrl+Shift+S 另存为… Save As… Ctrl+K S 全部保存 Save All Ctrl+F4 关闭Close Ctrl+K Ctrl+W 关闭所有 Close All Ctrl+Shift+T 重新打开关闭的编辑器 Reopen closed editor Ctrl+K 输入保持打开 Enter Keep Open Ctrl+Tab 打开下一个 Open next Ctrl+Shift+Tab 打开...
按Press 功能 Function Ctrl+N 新文件 New File Ctrl+O 打开文件... Open File... Ctrl+S 保存Save Ctrl+Shift+S 另存为... Save As... Ctrl+K S 全部保存 Save All Ctrl+F4 关闭Close Ctrl+K Ctrl+W 关闭所有 Close All Ctrl+Shift+T 重新打开关闭的编辑器 Reopen closed editor Ctrl+K 输入保...
Issue Type: Performance Issue Hi, Since the last july update and the switch to the user version (vs. all users version) of vscode, everything is slow. Vscode takes like 20 seconds to open and then when I click on a file it takes another ...
"window.openFilesInNewWindow": "off", 622 623 // 控制打开文件夹时是在新窗口打开还是替换上一个活动窗口。624 // 注意,此设置可能会被忽略 (例如,在使用 `--new-window` 或 `--reuse-window` 命令行选项时)。625 // - on: 在新窗口中打开文件夹。626...
OpenContext.CLI : OpenContext.DESKTOP; const hasCliArgs = hasArgs(args._); const hasFolderURIs = hasArgs(args['folder-uri']); const hasFileURIs = hasArgs(args['file-uri']); const noRecentEntry = args['skip-add-to-recently-opened'] === true; const waitMarkerFileURI = args.wait ...
onWindowClosed(window!)); // 5.注册窗口生命周期 (this.lifecycleService as LifecycleService).registerWindow(window); } ... return window; } doOpenInBrowserWindow 会调用 window.load 方法 在 window.ts 中实现 代码语言:javascript 复制 load(config: IWindowConfiguration, isReload?: boolean, disable...
if(connection): cursor.close() connection.close() print("PostgreSQL connection is closed") if __name__ == '__main__': test() print("test") 8.ubuntu 安装psycopg2包psycopg2 库是 python 用来操作 postgreSQL 数据库的第三方库。sudo...