File -> Open Folder...,当有文件夹打开的时候 File -> Open Workspace..., 当打开一个Workspace的时候 File -> Add Folder to Workspace..., 当添加文件到workspace的时候 File -> Save Workspace As..., 把当前环境保存到一个workspace的时候 在VSCode插件开发中,如何通过代码的方式判断是否有Workspace这个...
// - off: Files will open in the window with the files' folder open or the last active window. // - default: Files will open in the window with the files' folder open or the last active window unless opened via the Dock or from Finder. "window.openFilesInNewWindow": "off", // ...
Besides searching and replacing expressions, you can also search and reuse parts of what was matched, using regular expressions with capturing groups. Enable regular expressions in the search box by clicking the Use Regular Expression .* button (kb(toggleSearchRegex)) and then write a regular ...
open file using the relative path, BUT, the problems tab show the problems in the same file but with the absolute path and when I click on a problem, it opens the same file twice. 1 with relative and 1 with absolute path. It also happens with "goto declaration", it shows 2 files,...
I learned the cli first, but I do use vscode's git integration for staging and committing. I also love gitlens's "commits by file / line" feature. Replacing GitKraken 2 projects | /r/vscode | 30 Jul 2021 Hi. Vs code is pretty well integrated with git. There are built in git ...
If so, are we replacing the existing Explain this code with Explain this output and using a terminal specific prompt on the back end? As a first iteration, I'm thinking of: User selects terminal output On right click, has menu option to Explain this output On the back-end we make su...
{ // Editor // Controls whether the editor shows CodeLens. "diffEditor.codeLens": false, // When enabled, the diff editor ignores changes in
How can I prevent VS Code from replacing a newly opened, unmodified (preview) tab with a subsequently opened one? 3265 Using async/await with a forEach loop 3157 How can I upload files asynchronously with jQuery? 2826 Compare two dates with JavaScript 2910 Open a URL in a new tab (an...
One use case for this is easily replacing a node-only package with a browser-friendly package in 3rd-party code that you don't control. These new substitutions happen first before all of esbuild's existing path resolution logic. Note that when an import path is substituted using an alias,...
For conversions that intend on using the code point, consider replacing them with string(rune(x)). Otherwise, strconv.Itoa and its equivalents return the string representation of the value in the desired base. Default: true structtag check that struct field tags conform to reflect.StructTag....