VSCode Version: 1.6.1 OS Version: Windows 10 x64 The issue at hand is when you close VSCode and you've had open tabs in it, opening a new file through windows explorer by double clicking it will cause VSCode to not restore your previous ...
command (gitlens.diffWithRevisionFrom) to compare the current file or revision with another revision of the same file on the selected reference Adds an Open Changes with Revision... command (gitlens.diffWithRevision) to compare the current file or revision with another revision of the same file...
On MacOS, the default keybinding is command + control + w, which is dangerously close to the OS’s "Lock Screen" command command + control + q. (Hitting this accidentally while trying to lock my screen is how I got here!) On Linux, the default keybinding is meta + con...
The extension aliases various Nvim tab commands (:tabedit, :tabnew, :tabfind, :tabclose, :tabnext, :tabprevious, :tabfirst, :tablast) to equivalent vscode commands. Also their normal-mode equivalents (where applicable) such as gt, etc. Buffer/window management See vscode-window-commands.vi...
IMPORTANT: You may need to close and restart your shell after running 'conda init'. But when I open VScode through anaconda prompt by first activating the environment and opening VScode by typing code and running some programs, the program runs. So from what I understand, simply changing ...
Use actual filename comparison for filename equality checks. (#8022) Opening a notebook a second time round with changes (made from another editor) should be preserved. (#8025) Minimize the GPU impact of the interactive window and the notebook editor. (#8039) Store version of the Python ...
@timzallmann Because you have Replaces part of the local file path for code (!1014 - merged), I am going to close this issue. If that is incorrect, please re-open it! Collapse replies François Rosé @francoisrose · 1 year ago Developer @mnohr I'm re-opening this since we ...
VSCode Version: 1.4.0 OS Version: macOS 10.11.6 I often work with the Problems panel open, as listing the problems that way is a very good visual indication of what needs some work. However, when I don't have any current problems, it'd b...
Saves all editors & close tabe[dit] Similar to e[dit] . Without argument opens quickopen, with argument opens the file in new tab tabnew Opens new untitled file tabf[ind] Opens quickopen window tab / tabs Not supported. Doesn't make sense with vscode tabc[lose] Closes...
Another reproduction example: Create a new “Standalone Javascript React Template” project in a new solution Close Visual Studio Delete ALL files and folders except the .esproj file and .vscode folder Open the esproj file. The project opens successfully. Close the project and delete the ...