Jupyter Keymap- to provide Jupyter-consistent keymaps Jupyter Notebook Renderers- to provide renderers for MIME types such as latex, plotly, vega, etc. Jupyter Cell TagsandJupyter Slide Show- to provide the ability to tag cells in notebooks and support for presentations ...
名称: Jupyter Cell Tags ID: ms-toolsai. vscode-jupyter-cell-tags 说明: VS Code 中的 Jupyter 单元标记支持 名称: Jupyter Keymap ID: ms-toolsai. jupyter-keymap 说明: 此扩展为 Visual Studio Code 中的笔记本提供键映射,以匹配Jupyter Notebook中的键绑定。此扩展随Visual Studio Code 的 Jupyter 扩展...
第一步:安装 Python Python 的官网地址:https://www.python.org/ 打开 Python 官网,一般情况下直接...
vscode-jupyter-cell-tagsms-0.1.8 vscode-jupyter-slideshowms-0.1.5 remote-containersms-0.321.0 remote-sshms-0.107.0 remote-ssh-editms-0.86.0 remote-wslms-0.81.8 vscode-remote-extensionpackms-0.24.0 remote-explorerms-0.4.1 remote-serverms-1.5.0 ...
方法一 在文件的开头加上如下代码,该方法仅对当前文件有效 fromIPython.core.interativeshellimportInteractiveShellInteractiveShell.ast_node_interctivity="all" 方法二 添加配置文件,该方法对所有文件生效 1.在终端输入 vi ~/.ipython/profile_default/ipython_config.py ...
insert cell below position: ctrl+k ctrl+j 或者 ctrl+k ctrl+p insert cell below: ctrl+k ctrl+j 相较于直接编辑.jpynb文件 我更喜欢传统界面,许多快捷键比较习惯,其他插件的效果也能不受影响: 直接编辑.jpynb文件 jupyter 当您的jupyter页面中含有多端代码的时候,如果发现在尝试执行全部执行的时候无法全部...
toolsai.jupyter ms-toolsai.jupyter-keymap ms-toolsai.jupyter-renderers ms-toolsai.vscode-jupyter-cell-tags ms-toolsai.vscode-jupyter-slideshow ms-vscode-remote.remote-containers ms-vscode-remote.remote-ssh ms-vscode-remote.remote-ssh-edit ms-vscode-remote.remote-wsl ms-vscode.cmake-tools ms-...
"*.ipynb": "jupyter-notebook" }, // 应在何处显示单元格工具栏,或是否隐藏它。 "notebook.cellToolbarLocation": { "default": "right", "jupyter-notebook": "left" }, // 在保存时运行的代码操作类型。 "editor.codeActionsOnSave": { ...
'a' keyboard shortcut doesn't add a cell above if current cell is the first. (#7334) Add the 'add cell' line between cells, on cells, and at the bottom and top. (#7362) Runtime errors cause the run button to disappear. (#7370) Surface jupyter notebook search errors to the user...
jupyter-renderers ms- 1.0.14 vscode-jupyter-cell-tags ms- 0.1.6 vscode-jupyter-slideshow ms- 0.1.5 remote-containers ms- 0.275.1 remote-wsl ms- 0.75.1 autodocstring njp 0.6.1 r-debugger RDe 0.5.2 r REd 2.7.0 intellicode-api-usage-examples Vis 0.2.7 vscodeintellicode Vis 1.2.30 jinja...