VSCode 是首选,安装官方扩展的同时,还需安装 Jupyter 相关包 mamba install jupyter_contrib_nbextensions python 安装强大的统一格式化器 + 检测器扩展ruff。 alt text 相关配置如下 {"[python]":{"editor.defaultFormatter":"charliermarsh.ruff","editor.formatOnSave":true,"editor.codeActionsOnSave":{"source.f...
0.0s => CACHED [3/5] RUN apk add --no-cache git-lfs nodejs python3 npm m 0.0s => CACHED [4/5] RUN cd && npm i node-pty 0.0s => CACHED [5/5] COPY .vscode-remote-containers /root/.vscode-remote-cont 0.0s => exporting to image 0.0s => => exporting layers 0.0s => =>...
Jupyter: Create New Jupyter NotebookCreates a new Jupyter Notebook Notebook: Select Notebook KernelSelect or switch kernels within your notebook Notebook: Change Cell LanguageChange the language of the cell currently in focus Jupyter: Export to HTML Jupyter: Export to PDFCreate a presentation-frie...
When there's no workspace open, use the directory of the opened file as the root directory for a jupyter session. (#7688) Fix selection and focus not updating when clicking around in a notebook editor. (#7802) Fix add new cell buttons in the notebook editor to give the new cell focus...
«Exporting as Python Code» functionality outlined in the previous section. Once you have your code in the Python Interactive window, you can use VS Code’s integrated debugger to debug your code. We are working on bringing cell debugging into the Jupyter editor in a future release so ...
Type: Bug I am using VS Code, Python and Jupyter on Linux Mint. (Details included.) After some amount of usage, code editing in Python cells in a Juypter notebook becomes very slow. Auto-completion suggestions take a long time (even thou...
If these tools aren't quite satisfying your need for something new and cool, also be sure to checkout these other standalone Jupyter Extension addons: Gather- Quickly extract tidy scripts or notebooks from your mess of experimentation.
[main 2024-02-27T11:56:55.298Z] from: /usr/share/code/resources/app [main 2024-02-27T11:56:55.298Z] args: { _: [], diff: false, merge: false, add: false, goto: false, 'new-window': false, 'reuse-window': false, wait: false, ...
Type: Bug After updating the VSCode version to 1.86.2, I started having problems with Jupyter Notebooks. When running .ipynb the first time, it works as expected, but it starts to crash and slow down after the first run turning impossibl...