I'm just surprised, that functionality of this mod (disabling VRIK for a period game uses special animation) is not present as the option in the VRIK itself.There are so much things being "suppressed" by VRIK (or game itself):staggering (it is supposed to set you off balance! not ju...
VRIK will display the player character's body in SkyrimVR and animate it to match your movements. Weapons can be kept, drawn, and sheathed in up to 14 visible holsters on your body. An input gesture
在SkyrimVR.ini中设置bAlwaysShowHands = 1。我建议使用Bilago的INI Tweaker工具轻松更改INI设置。该文件通常可以在“%USERPROFILE%\ Documents \ My Games \ Skyrim VR”中找到,如果该文件尚不存在,则可以创建该文件。 使用游戏中的高度滑块(在“VR设置”下)或通过调整SkyrimPrefs.ini中的fCharacterHeightOffset值来...
Steam 2023 年秋季特卖已开启,超过 1400 款 PCVR 游戏提供大幅折扣,活动时间从 11 月 23 日持续到 11 月 28 日上午 10 时。其中包括多款热门 VR 游戏,如《半衰期:爱莉克斯》、《A Fisherman‘s Tale》、《Skyrim VR》、《After The Fall》等。 随着《亚利桑那阳光2》将于 12 月 7 日推出,Vertigo Games...
Translation Skyrim VR Required Tag this mod Description Files 2 Images 1 Videos 0 Posts 4 Bugs 0 Logs Stats About this mod VRIK Player Avatar简体中文的汉化,包括esp和MCM的脚本在已有存档中途更换脚本可能会发生错误,请在新存档使用脚本汉化内附词典文件 Share Requirements Permissions and...