This seems like it has something to do with other mods. What mods do you use ? VrikActtions itself does not hinder your movements (jumping yes but nothing else). It only listen to these events. So its likely that you have a mod that does not give your character its movement back. ...
Thank you for the reply, You do good work, your mod makes Skyrim VR one of the best VR games out there.Oh if I do have your ear, like to put out a idea, if you could add potions to the VRIK belt... so like you could have them on you and pull one out and drink it, I ...
自2019年首次传出Facebook计划将《刺客信条》和《细胞分裂》引入Oculus Quest和Oculus Rift S平台的消息以来,育碧旗下这两大IP的VR化就让玩家们魂牵梦绕,但却迟迟没有实质性消息。尤其在《细胞分裂》VR版于2022年宣布取消开发后,《刺客信条》VR版更是一度蒙上一层不安的阴影。 如今Quest独占的《刺客信条Nexus VR...
最后我们来对「刺客信条:Nexus VR」做一个总结,作为育碧旗下超级IP登陆VR平台的首款游戏,本作既体现出游戏大厂在游戏场景、游戏美术、游戏体量方面的工业级水准,同时也让我们感受到了经典IP进行VR化的小心谨慎,以及因为缺乏经验所导致的交互体验上的不足。总之,这是一个好的开始,虽然它并不完美。如果你正在寻找一...
Hello, welcome to this topic, here i wanted to talk about an issue occurring after a save load with a modded Steam Skyrim. Since I'm not an expert on modding I would like to ask the community could enlighten me. My problem occurs when I start a game, until then everything is normal...
究其原因,还是因为VR游戏这种内容类别还处于早期探索阶段,玩法、关卡、叙事等方面的设计还需要开发者在不断试错中进行完善。近期游戏大厂育碧推出的「刺客信条」系列的VR新游——「刺客信条:Nexus VR」终于发售了,通过对这部新作的体验,我们或许可以瞥见一些大厂在知名游戏IP的VR化上的新思考与新尝试。
针对手势魔法的优化,此模组允许你通过简单的手势释放魔法,装备魔法 VR必备mod Share Permissions and credits 此翻译针对以下mod翻译成简体中文,手工翻译加润色 针对解读魔法的优化,此模组允许您通过简单的解读呼吸魔法,装备魔法VR必备模组...
All games Skyrim Special Edition Mods VR VRIK Player Avatar - CHS VRIK Player Avatar - CHSEndorsements 14 Unique DLs 287 Total DLs 381 Total views 5,563 Version 0.8.4 Original File Download: Manual 1 items Last updated 21 September 2024 2:34PM Original upload 29 November 2023 11:40AM...
新快报讯 日前,育碧公开了《刺客信条》系列首款VR游戏《刺客信条Nexus VR》的上市宣传片,该作现已正式发售。据悉,《刺客信条Nexus VR》被描述为“全新的长篇《刺客信条》动作冒险游戏”,游戏中玩家将扮演一名在Abstergo公司卧底的兄弟会精英黑客,并将重新体验系列三位回归主角——艾吉奥、康纳和卡珊德拉的经历,试图在...
When he’s not working his day job on the socials of Sea of Thieves over at Rare, he’s busy with his music or his popular TikTok Series 'Skyrim Guard Tales' featuring Jesper the Guard. He’s now brought the eponymous character to life in-game for anyone to recruit as a follow......