Skyrim VR Required Skyrim VR AI Tag this mod Description Files1 Images1 Videos1 Posts110 Forum1 Bugs0 Logs Stats ninenineninefour premium 3 kudos 27 November 2024, 3:12AM There's animations that work if I set it to "always register", but it doesn't otherwise register it. How can I ...
VRIK项目的主要目标是让Skyrim VR成为更加身临其境的体验。目前,该mod专注于VR Body mod的技术改进,以便在游戏世界中提供更多的物理存在。后来我想添加功能来改善交互(例如,取消武器)。 VRIK V0.1 Beta支持以下功能: 一种分析逆运动学求解器,可将玩家的手臂正确连接到身体 ...
VRIK will display the player character's body in SkyrimVR and animate it to match your movements. Weapons can be kept, drawn, and sheathed in up to 14 visible holsters on your body. An input gesture