转录因子包含DNA binding domain (BD)和activation domain (AD),而且不同转录因子的BD和AD是可以互换而不影响转录激活的.你想证明是activation domain,就融合到一个已知转录因子的BD里,常用的就比如Gal4,LexA的BD,然后去检测reporter gene的转录情况.如果有转录发生,则转录因子完整,如果没有检测到转录,则转录因子不...
Uesugi M, Nyanguile O, Lu H, Levine AJ, Verdine GL 1997 Induced ␣ helix in the VP16 activation domain upon binding to a human TAF. Science 277:1310-1313Induced helix in the VP16 activation domain upon binding to a human TAF. Science 277:1310–1313 - Uesugi, Nyanguile, et al. ...
在α 疱疹病毒中 UL48编码的 VP16同源蛋白都含有转录激活 域(Transactivationdomain,TAD )和核心区( VPl6-inducedcomplex,VIC)。转录激活域富含酸性氨基酸, HSV的VP16TAD 位于第412至490位氨基酸残基,可分为两个子区域并且各自能够独立或协同执行激活转录功能,子区域分别被称为氨基域 (VP16N或VP16412-456)、羧基...
电话:400-800-2947 工作QQ:1843439339 (微信同号) 邮件:Biovector@163.com 手机:18901268599 地址:北京 已注册 详细信息 咨询记录(共0条) BD-VP16 plasmid vector质粒载体 GAL4BD - VP16 is merely a conjunction of the GAL4 binding domain and the VP16 transcriptional activator (derived from Herpes simp...
Here we report the NMR structure of the Mediator subunit Med25 (also called Arc92) activator interaction domain (ACID) and analyze the structural and functional interaction of ACID with the archetypical acidic transcription activator VP16. Unlike other known activator targets, ACID forms a seven-...
Pdx-1 has the ability to permeate different cell types due to an inherent protein transduction domain (PTD). In this study, we evaluated liver-to-pancreas conversion of WB cells following Pdx-1 or Pdx-1-VP16 protein transduction. Findings WB cells were grown in high glucose medium containing...
Another domain, located in a more amino-terminal region of the protein, appears to tailor the specificity of VP16 for IE genes. According to the results presented in this and the accompanying paper, we predict that VP16 achieves IE gene specificity via protein: protein, rather than protein: ...
An Epstein-Barr virus nuclear protein 2 domain essential for transformation is a direct transcriptional activator Epstein-Barr virus nuclear protein 2 (EBNA-2) increases mRNA levels of specific viral and cellular genes through direct or indirect effects on upstream reg... JI Cohen,E Kieff - 《Jou...
电话:400-800-2947 工作QQ:1843439339 (微信同号) 邮件:Biovector@163.com 手机:18901268599 地址:北京 已注册 详细信息 咨询记录(共0条) GAL4BD - VP16 plasmid vector质粒载体 GAL4BD - VP16 is merely a conjunction of the GAL4 binding domain and the VP16 transcriptional activator (derived from Her...
其次,融合转录因子GAL4/VP16,即将GAL4蛋白的DNA结合结构域和单纯疱疹病毒VP16蛋白的激活结构域(VP16 activating domain,VP16 AD)连接在一起,这样形成的融合转录因子在保持GAL4蛋白结合特异性的同时大大增加了GAL4蛋白的激活转录活性[13]。在本研究中,以EGFP为报告基因,构建了pcDNA3-GAL4/VP16和pGL3-G5E1b-...