Voltage-gated calcium channels (VGCCs) are membrane proteins and mediate Ca2+ influx in response to membrane depolarization to evoke a wide spectrum of cellular responses, which include neurotransmitter release and activation of Ca2+-dependent enzymes. Molecularly, VGCCs are composed of multiple ...
1. 钙的电压闸通道 ...动作电位的传导; varicosity 的膜上带有钙的电压闸通道(voltage-gated calcium channels),当动作电位传过来会 促发它们打 …www.docin.com|基于1 个网页 例句 释义: 全部,钙的电压闸通道 更多例句筛选 1. Protein Structure and Phylogenesis of Voltage-gated Calcium Channels on the ...
Voltage-gatedcalciumchannels Voltage-gatedcalciumchannelsmediatecalciuminfluxinresponsetomembranedepolarisation andregulateintracellularprocessessuchascontraction,secretion,neurotransmission,and geneexpression.Theiractivityisessentialtocoupleelectricalsignalsinthecellsurfaceto physiologicaleventsincells.Theyaremembersofagenesuperfam...
Voltage-Gated Calcium Channels 作者:Zamponi, Gerald Werner 编 出版年:2005-2 页数:392 定价:$ 303.97 ISBN:9780306478406 豆瓣评分 目前无人评价 评价: 写笔记 写书评 加入购书单 分享到 + 加入购书单
Voltage-gated calcium channels (CaV) are a family of complex proteins that conduct Ca2+into the cell cytoplasm through a large pore-forming α1subunit of 190–250 kDa. They are divided into three major families CaV1.x, CaV2.x, and CaV3.x based on sequence homology of the α1subunit. ...
Voltage-gated calcium channels (VGCC), which are gated by the electrical potential across the plasma membrane, regulate the influx of Ca2 + ions. They have been subclassified as L, N, P and T channels. Low micromolar concentrations of THDOC, DHEA and pregnenolone rapidly and reversibly...
1) Voltage-gated calcium channels(VGCCs) 电压门控钙离子通道 例句>> 2) CaV1.3 电压门控钙离子通道1.3 例句>> 3) voltage-gated potassium channels 电压门控钾离子通道 1. A delaunay-based method forvoltage-gated potassium channelsclassification and structure recognition; ...
Voltage-gated calcium channels (VGCCs) are membrane proteins and mediate Ca2+ influx in response to membrane depolarization to evoke a wide spectrum of cellular responses, which include neurotransmitter release and activation of Ca2+-dependent enzymes. Molecularly, VGCCs are composed of multiple subunit...
Voltage-gated calcium channels contribute to the control of excitability at both the cellular and neural network levels. Alterations in the expression or biophysical properties of specific subtypes of calcium channels can have pathophysiologic effects on the frequency and patterns of action potential firing...
3.11 Voltage-gated calcium channels Voltage-gated calcium channels are integral to intracellular processes such as contraction, secretion, neurotransmission and gene expression. L-type calcium currents represent the predominant current present in muscle and endocrine cells and also exist in neurons and card...