##STEP1 : 建立工程##设置器件型号setdevice_model xc7z035fbg676-2#设置工程创建位置setdev_dir{G:\DeskTop\ZynqCode\11_Tcl_test}#确保切换到了工程位置cd$dev_dirputs"The home_dir is $dev_dir now!"#工程名称setproject_name tlc_test#创建工程create_project$project_name$dev_dir-part$device_model#...
As an alternative to creating a project in the Vivado IDE, you can create a project using a Tcl script.Most actions run in the Vivado IDE result in a Tcl command being executed. The Tcl commands appear in the Vivado IDE Tcl Console and are also captured in the vivado.jou and vivado.lo...
As an alternative to creating a project in the Vivado IDE, you can create a project using a Tcl script. Most actions run in the Vivado IDE result in a Tcl command being executed. The Tcl commands appear in the Vivado IDE Tcl Console and are also captured in thevivado.jou and vivado.lo...
While running implementation through batch mode or commands, my tcl script is doing the following:#...
Set the USED_IN_SYNTHESIS and USED_IN_IMPLEMENTATIONproperties on the XDC file or the Tcl script to change this behavior. This property can takethe value of either TRUE or FALSE.合成和实现约束文件默认情况下,添加到约束集的所有XDC文件和Tcl脚本都用于合成和实现。 在XDC文件或Tcl脚本上设置USED_IN...
As an alternative to creating a project in the Vivado IDE, you can create a project using a Tcl script.Most actions run in the Vivado IDE result in a Tcl command being executed. The Tcl commands appear in the Vivado IDE Tcl Console and are also captured in the vivado.jou and vivado.lo...
usingacustomTclscript.Youcancustomizethedesignflowasneededtoincludereporting commandsandadditionaloptimizations.Formoreinformation,seeRunning ImplementationinNon-ProjectMode. ThedetailsofrunningimplementationinProjectModeandNon-ProjectModeare describedinthisguide. FormoreinformationonrunningtheVivadoDesignSuiteusingeitherProj...
Using Non-Project Mode Tcl Commands Non-Project Mode Tcl Script Example Source Management and Revision Control Recommendations Interfacing with Revision Control Systems Project vs. Non-Project Build Methodologies Project Source Types RTL, XDC, and DCP ...
IntheTclConsole,youseethefollowingmessage: create_bd_cell-typeip-vlnv:ip:processing_system7:5.5 processing_system7_0 ThereisacorrespondingTclcommandformostactionsperformedintheIPintegratorblockdesign. Thosecommandsarenotshowninthisdocument;instead,thetutorialprovidesTclscriptstorun ...
# create_proj.tcl: Tcl script for re-creating project 'ZC702_HDMI' # # # This file contains the Vivado Tcl commands for re-creating the project to the state* # when this script was generated. In order to re-create the project,...