executeTclcommands,orperformtasksthatrequireTclcommands,suchasswitchingtoanotheropen design. Figure2-12:StartingRun-BackgroundProcess RunningImplementationinSteps Vivamplementationconsistsofanumberofsmallerprocessessuchas: •OptDesign(opt_design) •PowerOptDesign(power_opt_design)(optional) •aceDesignce_...
To execute the Tcl script, do one of the following: ° Run the source command. ° Use the read_xdc -unmanaged command. ° Add the Tcl script to one of your project constraints sets. TIP: Unlike XDC files, unmanaged Tcl scripts can include any common Tcl command for selecting design ...
To execute the Tcl script, do one of the following: ○ Run the source command. ○ Use the read_xdc -unmanaged command. ○ Add the Tcl script to one of your project constraints sets. TIP: Unlike XDC files, unmanaged Tcl scripts can include any common Tcl command for selecting design ...
•GeneratetheconstraintswithanunmanagedTclscript. ToexecutetheTclscript,dooneofthefollowing: °Runthesourcecommand. °Usetheread_xdc-unmanagedcommand. °AddtheTclscripttooneofyourprojectconstraintssets. TIP:UnlikeXDCfiles,unmanagedTclscriptscanincludeanycommonTclcommandforselecting designobjectsanddefiningdesign...
Step6:ExportHardwaretoSDK24 Step7:CreateaSoftwareApplication25 Step8:RuntheSoftwareApplication27 Step9:ConnecttotheVivadoLogicAnalyzer30 Conclusion35 LabFiles35 Lab2:Zynq-7000APSoCCross-TriggerDesign36 Introduction36 Step1:StarttheVivadoIDEandCreateaProject36 ...
You can add the C input files, directives, and constraints to a Vivado HLS project interactively using the Vivado HLS graphical user interface (GUI) or using Tcl commands at the command prompt. You can also create a Tcl file and execute the commands in batch mode. UG902 (v2020.1) May 4...
Then in the Tcl console, type the command ‘source build.tcl’ and press ENTER to execute the build script. Vivado will then regenerate the project files and open them in the GUI. Dealing with modifications When you make modifications to the project using the GUI, always remember to save th...
Many of the Tcl commands discussed in the following text and script examples are specific to the Vivado Design Suite. You can find detailed information regarding Vivado specific Tcl commands in the Vivado Design Suite Tcl Command Reference Guide (UG835) [Ref 1], or in the help system of the...
If you need to use other Tcl commands to write your constraints, you must use a Tcl script. The Vivado tools write a journal file called vivado.jou into the directory from which Vivado was launched. The journal is a record of the Tcl commands run during the session that can be used as...
Open the Design Runs tab in the Out-of-Context Module Runs folder, and find the IP where you set the IS_MANAGED property to FALSE, with the name <IP_name>_synth_1. Execute the following command in the Tcl Console to reset the run: reset_run <ip_name>_synth_1 b) Re-launch the...