Type the tcl command in tcl console like: write_hw_platform -unified -force -file <your_vivado_project_dir>/xsa_gen/zcu102_custom_platform.xsa If you useexport Hardwarefunction in Vivado GUI it would add-fixedoption which would generate a XSA for traditional embedded platform which can't ad...
While running this script in batch mode, implementation completes successfully for the design. But if I open a project in Vivado GUI, include the .edf and .xdc files as source files to the project and run a tcl script with only these below lines so that the design is OOC, then run imp...
test.tcl is for testing a C++ program dirrectly to Ariane, through JTAG. you just need to source it in Vivado Tcl command line and then hit run_ariane inputf.hex. test2.tcl is for reading some specific space in memory. After sourcing it in Vivado, type read_trnx 3 0x00000000. This...
67917 - 2016.1 Vivado - (UG888) Tcl script hangs when run from the Text Editor Description I am going through the Introduction to Vivado tutorial in(UG888). I have opened my Tcl file in the Vivado Text Editor and then executed it by right clicking and selecting "Run Tcl". However, aft...
Vivado Implementation CY (Member) asked a question. 2023年5月4日 at 09:52 how to run launch_run one by one? Hi, I'm running multiple strategies with implementation. I have limited cpu and ram resources. So I have to run implementation one by one. Is there any tcl command I can use...
Vivado uses batch commands to launch a synthesis or implementation run, and if the batch command fails the run will hang in this manner.This can be due to an incorrect ComSpec environment variable.The value for this variable should be "C:\windows\system32\cmd.exe". ...
I am running the report_environment command and it takes a long time to complete. It gets to the "Fetching license information" stage and then seems to stall. Vivado% report_environmentINFO: [Common 17-635] Now fetching report information. This may take some time.INFO: [Common 17-633] ...
Creating a Linux user application in Vitis on a Zynq UltraScale Device Number of Views 20.4K 46668 - Vivado - ERROR: [Common 17-165] Too many positional options when parsing '<name>.tcl', please type '<command> -hel… Number of Views ...
To install these libraries in Ubuntu: sudo dpkg --add-architecture i386 sudo apt-get update sudo apt-get install <package_name> Example output from a 2015.4 Vivado install with Ubuntu 14.04.03: Vivado 2015.4: perlldd-recursive.pl/opt/Xilinx/Vivado/2015.4/bin/unwrapped/lnx64.o/vivado -uniq ...
66184 - Install - How do I find out which libraries are required to run Vivado tools in Linux? Description I have installed Vivado on my Linux OS (CentOS, Ubuntu, RHEL, SUSE) but when I try and open Vivado or other Vivado tools it crashes. ...