There are 604 register/latch pins with no clock driven by root clock pin: clk_pin_p (HIGH) There are 41 register/latch pins with no clock driven by root clock pin: clk_gen_i0/BUFHCE_clk_samp_i0/O (HIGH) 2. checking constant_clock --- There are 0 register/latch pins with constan...
There are 604 register/latch pins with no clock driven by root clock pin: clk_pin_p (HIGH) There are 41 register/latch pins with no clock driven by root clock pin: clk_gen_i0/BUFHCE_clk_samp_i0/O (HIGH) 2. checking constant_clock --- There are 0 register/latch pins with constan...
本文列出了FPGA设计中常见的十个错误。我们收集了 FPGA 工程师在其设计中犯的 10 个最常见错误,并...
公众号:OpenFPGA 第四步:在“Vivado%”提示符后输入“report_timing -sort_by group -max_paths 100 -path_type summary -file $outputDir/post_route_timing.rpt”命令,生成时序报告。 第五步:在“Vivado%”提示符后输入“report_clock_utilization -file $outputDir/clock_util.rpt”命令,生成时钟利用率报告...
Hey, I have a problem getting a clock signal. As you see in the picture did I create a fabric clock in the PL section and wired it to my own IP. Here is my Code for the IP: entity LEDSANIM is Port ( CLK_IN : in std_logic;
[Vivado 12-4739] create_clock:No valid object(s) found for '-objects [get_ports clk100Mhz]'. and later on: [Common 17-55] 'set_property' expects at least one object., in every I uncommented in the xdc. I don´t understand why this is an er...
Clock Enables Creating Clock Enables Reset and Clock Enable Precedence Controlling Enable/Reset Extraction with Synthesis Attributes Using DIRECT_ENABLE and DIRECT_RESET Pushing the Logic from the Control Pin to the Data Pin Tips for Control Signals Know What You Infer Inferring RAM and ...
关于你提到的 [vivado 12-4739] set_clock_groups:no valid object(s) found for '-group 错误,这通常表明在调用 set_clock_groups 命令时,提供的时钟对象(即 -group 参数后指定的时钟)不存在或未被正确识别。以下是一些可能的原因和解决方法: 确认时钟对象是否存在: 确保你在 set_clock_groups 命令中引用的...
Using the -clock_vtree_type Option Using the -net_delay_weight Option Using the -no_noc_opt Option Using the -no_psip Option Using the -no_timing_driven Option Using the -timing_summary Option Using the -unplace Option Using the -verbose Option ...
1.问题描述 很多工程有些logic port,我们不想对它进行管脚约束,但是不约束在生成bit文件时会产生类似下面的错误 [DRC UCIO-1] Unconstrained Logical Port: 10 out of 28 logical ports have no user assigned specific location constraint (LOC). This may cause I/O contention or incompatibility with the boa...