create_clock -name clkin -period 10 [get_ports clkin] # Option 1: master clock source is the primary clock source point create_generated_clock -name clkdiv2 -source [get_ports clkin] -divide_by 2 [get_pins REGA/Q] # Option 2: master clock source is the REGA clock pin create_generat...
create_clock -name clkin -period 10 [get_ports clkin] #约束方法1,主时钟作为源点 create_generated_clock -name clkdiv2 -source [get_ports clkin] -divide_by 2 [get_pins REGA/Q] #约束方法2,REGA的始终管脚作为源点 create_generated_clock -name clkdiv2 -source [get_pins REGA/C] -divide_...
create_clock-name clkin-period10[get_ports clkin]# Option1:master clock source is the primary clock source point create_generated_clock-name clkdiv2-source[get_ports clkin]-divide_by2\[get_pinsREGA/Q]# Option2:master clock source is theREGAclock pin create_generated_clock-name clkdiv2-sourc...
create_clock -name clkin -period 10 [get_ports clkin] #约束方法1,主时钟作为源点 create_generated_clock -name clkdiv2 -source [get_ports clkin] -divide_by 2 [get_pins REGA/Q] #约束方法2,REGA的始终管脚作为源点 create_generated_clock -name clkdiv2 -source [get_pins REGA/C] -divide_...
received on create_generated_clock constraint (Xilinx Answer 62528) Vivado Constraints - Critical Warning:[Constraints 18-551] Could not find an automatically derived clock matching the supplied criteria for renaming (Xilinx Answer 67906) Vivado Constraints - generated clock for the forwarded clock ...
虚拟时钟由create_clock命令定义而不需要指定任何源对象。以下情况中虚拟时钟可以用来指定输入和输出延时约束. FPGA I/O的外部参考时钟不作为设计时钟. FPGA I/O路径与内部产生的时钟有关,而这些I/O路径不能被板级时钟所约束. 在不修改内部时钟特性的前提下只为时钟相关的I/O延时约束指定不同的jitter和latency。
Clock Report Attributes P: Propagated G: Generated A: Auto-derived R: Renamed V: Virtual I: Inverted S: Pin phase-shifted with Latency mode Clock Period(ns) Waveform(ns) Attributes Sources clk_pin_p 5.000 {0.000 2.500} P {clk_pin_p} ...
主时钟只能由create_clock命令定义。 主时钟必须连接到网表对象(netlist object)。网表对象代表了设计中时钟树上所有下行时钟时钟沿产生的点。换句话说,当Vivado计算slack等式中时钟延时和不确定性时候,主时钟源点定义了0时间。 必须最先定义主时钟,这样其它的时钟约束才能有参考依据。 主时钟示例 如图4-2所示,板级...
69583 - Vivado Constraints - create_clock/create_generated_clock Master Answer Record Description This Answer Record lists the common use cases and common issues of create_clock and create_generated_clock constraints. Solution Common Use Cases of create_clock (Xilinx Answer 64340) Vivado Constraints ...
Clock Report Attributes P: Propagated G: Generated A: Auto-derived R: Renamed V: Virtual I: Inverted S: Pin phase-shifted with Latency mode Clock Period(ns) Waveform(ns) Attributes Sources clk_pin_p 5.000 {0.000 2.500} P {clk_pin_p} ...