multiple_clock:检查出有多个时钟的时钟引脚,在检查出存在这样的时钟引脚时,建议使用set_case_analysis约束来限制只有一个时钟在该引脚上传输 generated_clocks:检查生成时钟是否存在环路或循环定义,如果生成时钟的源时钟也是生成时钟将报错 loops:检查组合逻辑中是否存在环路 partial_input_delay:检查出输入端口中设置了输入...
no_output_delay:检查出没有设置输出延时的输出端口 multiple_clock:检查出有多个时钟的时钟引脚,在检查出存在这样的时钟引脚时,建议使用set_case_analysis约束来限制只有一个时钟在该引脚上传输 generated_clocks:检查生成时钟是否存在环路或循环定义,如果生成时钟的源时钟也是生成时钟将报错 loops:检查组合逻辑中是否存在...
7. checking multiple_clock 8. checking generated_clocks 9. checking loops 10. checking partial_input_delay 11. checking partial_output_delay 12. checking latch_loops 1. checking no_clock --- There are 604 register/latch pins with no clock driven by root clock pin: clk_pin_p (HIGH) There...
7. checking multiple_clock 8. checking generated_clocks 9. checking loops 10. checking partial_input_delay 11. checking partial_output_delay 12. checking latch_loops 1. checking no_clock --- There are 604 register/latch pins with no clock driven by root clock pin: clk_pin_p (HIGH) There...
在Vivado IP 集成器中使用多时钟域 (英文版)信息 相关链接 本视频展示了如何使用 Vivado IP Integrator 汇编带有多时钟域的设计。视频还介绍了设计规则检查和 Vivado 性能如何帮助用户实现流程自动化。Related Videos 利用Vivado IP Integrator 进行协作和加速设计 在本课程中,您将学习如何通过实例化和互连 IP 模块和...
BUFIO is limited to driving logic in one clock region. Having this BUFIO drive multiple clock ...
How to I add multiple clock definitions to an existing input clock port? Solution 1) Add each clock definition to the clock port, as below: create_clock -period 8.000 -name CC1 -waveform {0.000 4.000} -add [get_ports bftClk] create_clock -period 16.000 -name CC2 -waveform {0.000 8.000...
In order to meet my timing needs I have pulled the calcs apart and execute over multiple clock cycles, but still deliver the update to the working registers each cycle (which is possible because some of the inputs are available in prior cycles.) Hence this is pipelined (unless I have the...
moduleDivider_Multiple(input clk_p,input clk_n,input rst_n_i,output div2_o,output div3_o,output div2hz_o);IBUFGDSIBUFGDS_inst(.O(clk_i),// Clock buffer output.I(clk_p),// Diff_p clock buffer input (connect directly to top-level port).IB(clk_n)// Diff_n clock buffer input...
How to I add multiple clock definitions to an existing input clock port? Solution 1) Add each clock definition to the clock port, as below: create_clock -period 8.000 -name CC1 -waveform {0.000 4.000} -add [get_ports bftClk] create_clock -period 16.000 -name CC2 -waveform {0.000 8.000...