Warning [Labtools 27-3413] Dropping logic core with cellname:'u_ila_0' at location... 此警告表示实际上ila IP核没找到,ila也就是debugcore[4]。 最可能的情况就是给ila的时钟是不存在的,是一个需要条件才出现的时钟,或者是一个外部input管脚输入的时钟却没有输入。 Error [Labtools 27-3733] Error ...
"[Labtools 27-3413] Dropping logic core with cellname:'ila_32' from probes file, since it cannot be found on the programmed device." (the same message from VIO) "[Labtools 27-3361] The debug hub core was not detected." "[Labtools 27-1434] Device (JTAG de...
[Labtools 27-3413] Dropping logic core with cellname:'ila_32' from probes file, since it cannot be found on the programmed device. The same message from VIO. [Labtools 27-3361] The debug hub core was not detected. [Labtools 27-1434] Device (JTAG device index = 0) is programmed with...
However, the Hardware Manager of Vivado Lab Edition 2022.1 dropped all our debug core (VIOs, ILAs) and claimed the board is programmed, no matter which method described in UG908 is used. Warnings and Infos from Lab Edition: "[Labtools 27-3413] Dropping l...