消息:信息:[Labtools 27-1434]器件xc7z020(JTAG器件索引= 1)的编程设计中没有支持的调试内核。警告:[Labtools 27-3123]用户扫描链1或3未检测到调试集线器核心 2016李勇 2019-10-16 09:34:16 DC2269A-A DC2269A-A评估板 电子发烧友网为你提供ADI(ti)DC2269A-A相关产品参数、数据手册,更有DC2269A-A的...
In hardware target properties, name is displayed as localhost:3121/xilinx_tcf/Digilent/210319AB51BBA and status is open. But Number of devices is displayed as 0. In message window the following error message is displayed: [Labtools 27-2269] No devices detected on target l...
软件vivado2019.1 刚打开zcu102的评估板,上电后,串口只打印出“Press ESC to enter System Ctrollar mode.”没有网上说的firmware版本信息。但是vivado连接不上板子,驱动重新安装过,还是连接不上,在vivado2019.1中显示的问题是 “ [Labtools 27-2269] No devices detected on target localhost:3121/xilinx_tcf...
错误信息:ERROR: [Labtools 27-2269] No devices detected on target localhost:3121/xilinx_tcf/Xilinx/Port_#0007.Hub_#0003. Check cable connectivity and that the target board is powered up then use the disconnect_hw_server and connect_hw_server to re-register this hardware target. ERROR: [Commo...
ERROR: [Labtools 27-2269] No devices detected on target localhost:3121/xilinx_tcf/Digilent/210203A025A3A. Check cable connectivity and that the target board is powered up then use the disconnect_hw_server and connect_hw_server to re-register this hardware target. ERROR: [Labtools 27-55] Inv...
[Labtools 27-2269] No devices detected on target Check cable connectivity and that the target board is powered up then use the disconnect_hw_server and connect_hw_server to re-register this hardware target." When I shutdown the board, Vivado says " [Labtoolstcl 44-513] HW Target...
错误信息: ERROR: [Labtools 27-2269] No devices detected on target localhost:3121/xilinx_tcf/Digilent/210249856468. Check cable connectivity and that the target board is powered up then use the disconnect_... 查看原文 VIVADO和SDK的联合硬件调试 ...
错误信息: ERROR: [Labtools 27-2269] No devices detected on target localhost:3121/xilinx_tcf/Digilent/210249856468. Check cable connectivity and that the target board is powered up then use the disconnect_... 日期控件的基本使用方法 首先我们要下载bootstrap日期控件 下载地址:https://download.csdn.ne...
错误信息:ERROR: [Labtools 27-2269] No devices detected on target localhost:3121/xilinx_tcf/Xilinx...
Vivado连接不到miz702n开发板 ERROR: [Labtools 27-2269] 错误信息: ERROR: [Labtools 27-2269] No devices detected on target localhost:3121/xilinx_tcf/Digilent/210249856468. Check cable connectivity and that the target board is powered up then use the disconnect_... ...