set_output_delay-clockvirtual_clock-max0.0[get_ports{txd_pinled_pins[*]}] #设置输出延迟。当发送到 txd_pin 和 led_pins 的信号时,应该立即发送,不需要额外的延迟。 create_generated_clock-namespi_clk-source[get_pinsdac_spi_i0/out_ddr_flop_spi_clk_i0/ODDR_inst/C]-divide_by1-invert[get_...
Restore later#setoldCurInst [current_bd_instance .]## # Set parent object as current#current_bd_instance$parentObj### Create interface ports#setddr4_dimm1 [ create_bd_intf_port -mode Master -vlnv ddr4_dimm1 ]## set ddr4_dimm1_sma_clk [ create_bd...
约束文件 //创建主时钟和生成时钟create_clock -period 10.000 -name clkin1 -waveform {0.000 5.000} -add [get_ports CLKIN1]create_clock -period 5.000 -name clkin2 -waveform {0.000 2.500} -add [get_nets CLKIN2]create_clock -period 4.000 -name clk2 -waveform {0.000 2.000} -add [get_ports ...
对于系统输入时钟,约束其频率:create_clock -period 10.000 -name sysclk_p [get_ports sysclk_p]如果设计中使用了clocking wizard,此ip已经约束了相关的时钟,则不需要重复约束。如果不想用ip来分频,则有两种…
Ports:设置需要报告的端口,通过+或-对应的增加或减少报告的端口,+表示指定多个组,每一个有自己的参考时钟端口,允许用户定义一个新的端口组,-表示从需要的端口组中移除不想报告的端口 2.3 Timer Settings Interconnect Setting: 用于设置线延时的计算是基于单元引脚的距离,还是实际布线的距离或者是时序分析时不考虑线延...
Creating Interface Ports Handling Interrupts Using the Designer Assistance Feature Using the Signals View to Make Connections Using Make Connections to Connect Ports and Pins Making Connections with Start Connection Mode Interfacing with AXI IP Outside of the Block Design ...
While most UCF constraints are net-based, XDC constraints must be constructed to ports and pins. Helpful XDC commands for these constraints are: all_fanout, get_cells, and get_pins as well as the -from, -to, and -through arguments. ISE to Vivado Design Suite Migration Guide UGG991111(v(...
get_ports-filter{PACKAGE_PIN==} get_ports-filter{IOBANK==34}; get_ports-filter{BUS_NAME!=}; get_iobanks get_iobanks-of[get_portsreset] get_package_pins-of[get_portsbftClkget_package_pins-of[get_iobanks34]; Example: GetIOshavingDatastringintheirnames:; current_instance:Setthecurrentinst...
The I/O Planning view layout displays the Package window, as well as the I/O Ports and Package Pins windows, to facilitate planning the I/O port assignment for the design. For the purposes of this tutorial, assume the PCB layout has been completed, and therefore certain pins are not ...
(Xilinx Answer 60213) Vivado Synthesis - LOC constraint applied in RTL on ports that are vectors is not supported (Xilinx Answer 58574) 2013.3 Vivado-Synthesis: Is there any limit on the minimum number of states required to infer FSM? (Xilinx Answer 57981) Vivado Synthesis - Do we pack ROM...