1、mem_test 模块:就是利用状态机生成读写请求、读写数据长度、读写起始地址的信号,并发送到mem_burst模块。 modulemem_test #( parameter MEM_DATA_BITS =256,//8突发,8*32=256parameter ADDR_BITS =29) ( input rd_fifo_full,//来自rd_fifo的满信号input rst,//复位input mem_clk,//来自mig IP核的...
Import in body of module; reorder to top import/first Import 必须放在所有业务代码之前 (eslint 暴出) 控制台报错: 浏览器报错: 调整 Import 位置... modesim仿真没有波形—Error: Failed to find design unit work. 今天初次尝试Quartus与modesimd联仿就遇到了问题, modesim成功打开后发现没有波形出现 查...
54160 - Vivado HLS - do not use __SYNTHESIS__ on top level module ports. Description If__SYNTHESIS__ is used to guard or mask some of the top level ports of the C function, the simulation and co-simulation might not match. Solution ...
There are no HDL source in file set 'sources_1'.Please use the Add Sources command Solution The top level wrapper of a module should never be set to OOC. The proper way to set a block diagram to OOC is to set the .bd under the top level HDL wrapper to be OOC.Vivado...
The error points out a port type mismatch between the OOC module/entity and its instantiation in the parent level. What is the reason for this error? How can I resolve it? Solution This error occurs because when synthesis runs on the OOC module,the top level ports all get converted to St...