2.1.1 General General设置界面如下图,Project device设置器件类型,Target language设置编译语言为Verilog或VHD,Top module name在工程存在多模块时设置顶层入口模块,Language Options中Loop count为设置最大循环次数,默认1000,即在工程中设置类似for循环时,最大循环数为1000。 2.1.2 Simulation Simulation主要是配置仿真环...
// Module Name: vtf_led_test // Project Name: // Target Devices: // Tool Versions: // Description: // // Dependencies: // // Revision: // Revision 0.01 - File Created // Additional Comments: // // module vtf_led_test(); // Inputs //differential system clocks reg sys_clk_p;...
下面我们看看如何使用Vivado自带的仿真工具实现功能仿真。如图所示,单击Project Manager à Simulation àSimulation Settings,弹出选项卡中,设置目标仿真器(Target Simulator)为Vivado Simulator,仿真语言(Simulation language)为Mixed,仿真集(Simulation set)为sim_1,仿真顶层模块名(Simulation top module name)为sim_zstar。
-flatten_hierarchy不能设置为none。 如果需要优化的信号在IP核内部,那么在布局完成后使用命令:phys_opt_design -force_replication_on_nets [get_nets net_name]来保证IP核取消对内部网络的保护。 测试代码(RTL形式) module top ( input clk_in, input rst_n, output reg [2:0] max_value ); always@(pos...
`timescale1ns/1ps/// Company:// Engineer:/// Create Date: 2022/10/14 22:46:05// Design Name:// Module Name: example_top// Project Name:// Target Devices:// Tool Versions:// Description:/// Dependencies:/// Revision:// Revision 0.01 - File Created// Additional Comments:///...
gbit_top模块: `timescale1ns/1ps //*** //ProjectName:OSXXXX //Author:zhangningning //Email:nnzhang1996@foxmail.com //Website: //ModuleName:gbit_top.v //CreateTime:2020-03-1709:43:00 //Editor:sublimetext3,tabsize(4) //CopyRight(c):AllRightsReserved // //***...
Another approach would be to mark that module as OOC with -max_bram as '0' and run synthesis of the top module with the default values, which is -max_bram "-1". If you are still seeing the crash please post your log files (hs_pidxxxx.log and runme.log) and design details in th...
module water_led #( parameter C_DATA_WIDTH = 4 ) ( input rst, input clk, output [C_DATA_WIDTH-1:0] led_data ); //--- // 0.5s delay localparam DELAY_TOP = 26'd62500000; // delay 0.5s reg [25:0] cnt; // counter always @(posedge clk or posedge...
moduletop(input src_clk,input src_in,input dest_clk,output dest_out);xpm_cdc_single #(.DEST_SYNC_FF(2),// DECIMAL; range: 2-10.INIT_SYNC_FF(0),// DECIMAL; 0=disable simulation init values, 1=enable simulation init values.SIM_ASSERT_CHK(0),// DECIMAL; 0=disable simulation message...
moduletb();reg aclk;reg reset_n;wire valid;wire signed[7:0]sin;wire signed[7:0]cos;initial begin aclk=0;reset_n=0;#1000;reset_n=1;end always #(5)aclk=~aclk;dds_topUdds_top(.aclk(aclk),.reset_n(reset_n),.valid(valid),.sin(sin),.cos(cos));endmodule ...