在.env.production中不要加 NODE_ENV="production" 在.env.development中要加 NODE_ENV="development"
您需要定义process.env.NODE_ENV如下: https://vitejs.dev/guide/build.html 环境变量 ... 如果这是不可取的,您可以使用 define: { 'process.env.NODE_ENV': '"product"' } 例如静态替换它们。 (注意引号),或者例如: export default defineConfig(({ mode }) => { return { define: { 'process.env...
package io.github.linwancen.code.modify; import java.io.File; import java.io.IOException; ...
So, as I understand, we can set theNODE_ENVdirectly in the.envfile, and we don't need to specify it in the npm script like this:cross-env NODE_ENV=development vite build --mode development. However, if I specify theNODE_ENV=developmentin the.env.developmentfile, when I runvite build...
This pull request updates the Vite configuration for the 'fxc-front' application. The main change is the introduction of a function-based configuration to dynamically set the 'process.env.NODE_ENV' based on the build mode. Additionally, the configuration has been refactored for better readability...
在Vite项目中,如果你需要设置process.env.NODE_ENV,可以通过Vite的配置文件来实现,而不是直接在代码中设置。以下是详细的步骤: 打开Vite配置文件: 找到并打开你的Vite配置文件,通常这个文件名为vite.config.js。 在配置文件中找到或创建define部分: 在Vite配置文件中,你可以通过define选项来定义全局常量。这些常量会在...
Current Behavior In the Vite Build Executor, we're using loadConfigFromFile from Vite to get the config options. The issue with this is that vite will not attempt to set NODE_ENV which may be requ...
需要配置vite.config.js export default defineConfig({ define: { 'process.env.NODE_ENV': '"production"' }, }) 参考资料 https://vitejs.cn/vite3-cn/guide/build.html klren0312 added the Vue label May 8, 2024 Sign up for free to join this conversation on GitHub. Already have an accoun...