issue is encountered after we added dev options in vite pwa, if we remove issue disappears as pwa will be disabled for development mode, but this is much needed to debug service worker, cache related features.
✅ dynamic-require similar to 👉Webpackrequire('./foo/' + bar) Elaborate on Vite building CommonJS issues Usage importcommonjsfrom'vite-plugin-commonjs'exportdefault{plugins:[commonjs(/* options */),]} API(Define) exportinterfaceCommonjsOptions{filter?:(id:string)=>boolean|undefineddynamic...
关于构建部署踩的坑 混用require 和 import 如果项目中存在混用 commonJS 和 ES6 模块的情况,需要使用 @originjs/vite-plugin-commonjs 这个插件的 transformMixedEsModules 配置进行 hotfix。不然会报错 Uncaught ReferenceError: require is not defined 。_不过,尽量不要混用,因为尤大大说了这么干不好...Vite will...
[plugin:vite-plugin-commonjs] invalid import "require(depName)" #56 openedAug 12, 2024byNiharsGIT 1 When exporting an object obj using module.exports, an error will be reported #51 openedJun 4, 2024byshanchuan1 2 work bad when code use = foo ...
126 if ( !== "require") 127 return; 128 const dynamic = checkDynamicId(node); 129 analyzed.require.push({ 130 node, 131 ancestors, 132 topScopeNode: dynamic === "dynamic" ? void 0 : findTopLevelScope(ancestors), ...
5 export interface RequireStatement { 6 /** CallExpression */ 7 node: AcornNode; 8 ancestors: AcornNode[]; 9 /** 10 * If require statement located top-level scope ant it is convertible, this will have a value(🎯-①) 11 * 如果 require 在顶级作用于,并且是可转换 import 的...
加载模块使用require方法,该方法读取一个文件并执行,最后返回文件内部的module.exports对象。假定有一个一个简单的模块example.js。 // example.js console.log("evaluating example.js"); varinvisible=function() { console.log("invisible"); } exports.message="hi"; ...
Prevent bundling of certain esm imported packages and instead retrieve these external dependencies at runtime by commonjs require. For example: import commonjsExternals from 'vite-plugin-commonjs-externals'; export default { plugins: commonjsExternals({ externals: ['path', /^electron(\/.+)?$/]...
hi, i'm using vite-plugin-commonjs with an established project, but what i find is that require()s of this form: const { s6e } = require('./utils'); produce code which causes the following error: Uncaught SyntaxError: ambiguous indirect ...
✅ dynamic-require similar to 👉Webpackrequire('./foo/' + bar) Elaborate on Vite building CommonJS issues importcommonjsfrom'vite-plugin-commonjs'exportdefault{plugins:[commonjs(/* options */),]} API(Define) exportinterfaceCommonjsOptions{filter?:(id:string)=>boolean|undefineddynamic?:{/...