importcommonjsfrom'vite-plugin-commonjs'exportdefault{plugins:[commonjs(/* options */),]} API(Define) exportinterfaceCommonjsOptions{filter?:(id:string)=>boolean|undefineddynamic?:{/*** 1. `true` - Match all possibilities as much as possible, more like `webpack`* 2. `false` - It beha...
vite-plugin-commonjs/dist/index.mjs Version: 14.4 kBJavaScriptView Raw 1 import fs from "node:fs"; 2 import path from "node:path"; 3 import { parse } from "acorn"; 4 import MagicString from "magic-string"; 5 import os from "node:os"; ...
A pure JavaScript implementation for CommonJs. Contribute to vite-plugin/vite-plugin-commonjs development by creating an account on GitHub.
1# vite-plugin-commonjs 2一个纯 JavaScript 实现的 vite-plugin-commonjs 3 4[![NPM version](]( 5[![NPM Downloads](
如果项目中存在混用 commonJS 和 ES6 模块的情况,需要使用 @originjs/vite-plugin-commonjs 这个插件的 transformMixedEsModules 配置进行 hotfix。不然会报错 Uncaught ReferenceError: require is not defined 。_不过,尽量不要混用,因为尤大大说了这么干不好...Vite will likely never support such dependencies.[7...
[plugin:vite-plugin-commonjs] invalid import "require(depName)" #56 openedAug 12, 2024byNiharsGIT 1 When exporting an object obj using module.exports, an error will be reported #51 openedJun 4, 2024byshanchuan1 2 work bad when code use = foo ...
vite-plugin-commonjs-externals Provides commonjs externals support for Vite. Description Prevent bundling of certain esm imported packages and instead retrieve these external dependencies at runtime by commonjs require. For example: import commonjsExternals from 'vite-plugin-commonjs-externals'; export...
struts1 PlugIn接口 Struts1提供PlugIn接口,可以动态增减ActionServlet的功能。如果需要在应用启动或关闭时完成某些操作,可以创建自己的PlugIn类。 Java代码: package com.struts1.plugin; import javax.servlet.ServletException; import org.apache.struts.action.ActionServlet;...
CommonJS是服务器端模块的规范,Node.js采用了这个规范。 CommonJS API定义很多普通应用程序(主要指非浏览器的应用)使用的API,从而填补了这个空白。它的终极目标是提供一个类似Python,Ruby和Java标 准库。这样的话,开发者可以使用CommonJS API编写应用程序,然后这些应用可以运行在不同的JavaScript解释器和不同的主机环境...
vite-plugin-commonjs/dist/index.d.ts Version: 1.26 kBTypeScriptView Raw 1 import type { Plugin } from 'vite'; 2 export declare const TAG = "[vite-plugin-commonjs]"; 3 export type ImportInteropType = 'defaultFirst' | 'namedFirst' | 'merge'; ...