Low-dose vitamin E supplementation (150 mg/day) does not appear to be associated with any serious adverse reactions. High levels of vitamin E can adversely affect the absorption of vitamins A and K. Long-term use of high doses may cause nausea, diarrhea, blurred vision, and prolonged ...
High-dose long-term vitamin E supplementation (above 400IU per day), however, may be associated with increased risk of death and increased risk of prostate cancer. What are other names for Vitamin E Note that Vitamin E is also known as: Tocopherols Tocotrienols Dosage informationMedical ...
Epilepsy is a chronic disorder of the nervous system caused by abnormal discharges from brain cells. Structural, infectious, metabolic, immunologic, and unknown causes can contribute to the development of seizures. In recent years, there has been increas
Vitamin D deficiency is highly prevalent among children and adolescents worldwide. The high rates of vitamin D deficiency during childhood are of major public health relevance, given the growing evidence that vitamin D deficiency may play a key role in the pathophysiology of many chronic diseases be...
KOYA~AGI : Ueber die pathologisch-anatomischen Ver~nderungen des retinalen Pigmentes bei Cirrhosis hepatis. Kiln. Mtbl. Augenh., 63, 835, 1920. K6~IG und SEBASTA: Beitr~ge zur immunbiologischen Wirkung des Vita- mins A. Arch. Kinderh., 106, 159, 1935. K6TTGEN und ABELSDOXF: ...
TheEffectofHigh-doseVitaminConHepaticFunctionandCellImmunityFunctioninPatientswithCirrhosisoftheLiver 高剂量VitC肝功能细胞免疫免疫功能肝硬化消化系统消化道摘要:ZhangXiao-lan YaoXi-xian LiYong-junDept.ofGastroenterology,TheSecondHospitalofHebeiMedicalUniversity,Shijiazhuang050000,ChinaVIP胃肠病学...
Liver diseases are becoming a major health concern. In the developing countries it is due to microbial infection. In the rest of the developed world it is due to alcohol abuse. Chronic liver disease and cirrhosis are a significant health concern in western countries. It is the fifth most comm...
Liver disease was defined as having a past medical history significant for cirrhosis. Data were also collected on potential confounders that may interfere with vitamin C and thiamine metabolism including alcohol consumption, current smoking, end-stage renal disease (ESRD), and chronic kidney disease (...
The herbal medicine Sho-saiko-to improves cytokine production of peripheral blood mononuclear cells in patients with liver cirrhosis The herbal medicine Sho-saiko-to has been widely used in Japan as an oral medication in the treatment of viral liver cirrhosis and its clinical efficacy is... M Ya...
cannot be regulated by PLP negative feedback. As a result, some patients experience worsening symptoms after switching from PN to PLP [35]. Long-term administration of high doses of PLP can potentially impair liver function, leading to hepatomegaly, cirrhosis, and, in rare cases, ...