coagulopathyliver failurephytonadionevitamin KObjectives: The goal of this study was to evaluate the effectiveness of intravenous (IV) vitamin K in cirrhosis. Methods: This was a retrospective study of cirrhotic patients, not on anticoagulation, with administration of IV vitamin K and a baseline INR...
Ardaillou N, Yvart J, Le Bras P, Larrieu MJ (1980) Catabolism of human fibrinogen fragment D in normal subjects and patients with liver cirrhosis. Thromb Haemorrh 44: 146–149 CAS Google Scholar Arias IM (1982) Prothrombin and vitamin K revisited. Hepatology 2: 511 PubMed CAS Google Sch...
The authors found no evidence to support or refute the use of vitamin E in patients with conditions of the liver, such as alcoholic or autoimmune liver diseases, hepatitis B or C, or cirrhosis. Additionally, the data reviewed showed a nonsignificant trend towards elevated liver function tests ...
Epilepsy is a chronic disorder of the nervous system caused by abnormal discharges from brain cells. Structural, infectious, metabolic, immunologic, and unknown causes can contribute to the development of seizures. In recent years, there has been increas
Treatment of infants with VKDB requires parenteral vitamin K administration. For severe, life-threatening bleeding, fresh frozen plasma, which corrects the coagulopathy rapidly, should be additionally given. In the United States, prevention of VKDB by the administration of a single intramuscular ...
cannot be regulated by PLP negative feedback. As a result, some patients experience worsening symptoms after switching from PN to PLP [35]. Long-term administration of high doses of PLP can potentially impair liver function, leading to hepatomegaly, cirrhosis, and, in rare cases, ...
The contribution of vitamin K2 (menaquinones) produced by the intestinal microflora to human nutritional requirements for vitamin K. Coagulopathy manifest by elevation of the prothrombin time (PT) in patients receiving broad spectrum antimicrobials indirectly suggests a role for intestin... JM Conly,...
coagulopathy. Assessing both renal and liver function must be done preoperatively for every patient on NOACs. The three agents can be used in mild hepatic impairment (Child-Pugh A), while DE and apixaban are allowed in moderate hepatic impairment (Child-Pugh B), but not in severe hepatic ...
Cohorts included liver dysfunction if they had acute liver decompensation or cirrhosis without other causative factors of liver failure such as sepsis, coagulopathy of acute sepsis (CAS) if they had documentation of sepsis and no underlying liver disorder, known factor deficiencies, or medication-...