最後,請參閱Visual Studio 支援外元件頁面,以取得已轉換為支援不足狀態且現在被視為不安全的元件清單。 建議您在下一次更新期間移除它們。 若要使用手動安裝程式來安裝這些元件,請下載並執行適用於 Visual Studio 的建置工具。 Azure 開發建置工具 識別碼:Microsoft.VisualStudio.Workload.AzureBuildTools 描述:用於...
Visual Studio Build Tools 2017 allows you to build native and managed MSBuild-based applications without requiring the Visual Studio IDE. This article will serve as an informative guide and give you a clear understanding of how to perform a silent installation of Visual Studio Build Tools 2017 fr...
Release notes for the latest features and improvements in Visual Studio 2017 v15.7. Plan better, code together and ship faster with Visual Studio.
免费下载 Visual Studio IDE 或 VS Code。 在 Windows、Mac 上试用 Visual Studio Professional 或企业版。
您可以將 Visual Studio Build Tools 安裝至 Windows 容器,以便支援持續整合與持續傳遞 (CI/CD) 工作流程。 本文將引導您了解需要進行的 Docker 組態變更,以及可在容器中安裝的工作負載和元件。 容器是用來封裝一致之建置系統的好方法,不僅可用於 CI/CD 伺服器環境,也可用於開發環境。 例如,您可以將原始程式碼...
Installing Visual Studio 2013, 2015, or 2017 onmicrosoft/windowsservercore:10.0.14393.1593(which may be your locally cached:latestdepending on when you last pulled) fails. The bootstrapper fails to launch the installer. Please use either an older tagged build like:10.0.14393.1480or newer tagged...
C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Visual Studio\2017\BuildTools\MSBuild\Microsoft\VisualStudio\v15.0\WebApplications Besides, you should notice that the comment on theanswer: If you already have downloaded the "Build Tools for Visual Studio 2017" insta...
To download Build Tools for Visual Studio, seeDownload Visual StudioBuild Tools. 点这里看中文版 TheVisual C++ Build toolshave been a huge success sincewe introduced them two years ago. The C++ Build Tools were originally released as a standalone installer that only laid down the to...
This install the packages and shows the Visual Studio Installer GUI (I’m running from RDC). But when I view the installed workload (VS Buildtools) in the Visual Studio Installer it seem it still tries to download the mentioned packages and shows them as missing...
The Visual Studio installer identifies and installs the right versions of the required SDKs, tools, and libraries that you need to buildApache Cordovaapplications using Visual Studio. Get the tools Visual Studio Tools for Apache Cordova is installed using the standard Visual Studio installer, which...