Découvrez comment installer Visual Studio Build Tools dans un conteneur Windows pour permettre la prise en charge des flux de travail d’intégration continue (CI) et de livraison continue (CD).
免費下載 Visual Studio IDE 或 VS Code。 在 Windows、Mac 上試用 Visual Studio Professional 或 Enterprise 版本。
最後,請參閱Visual Studio 支援外元件頁面,以取得已轉換為支援不足狀態且現在被視為不安全的元件清單。 建議您在下一次更新期間移除它們。 若要使用手動安裝程式來安裝這些元件,請下載並執行適用於 Visual Studio 的建置工具。 Azure 開發建置工具 識別碼:Microsoft.VisualStudio.Workload.AzureBuildTools 描述:用於...
Téléchargez Visual Studio IDE ou Code VS gratuitement. Essayez les éditions Visual Studio Professional ou Entreprise sur Windows, Mac.
您可以將 Visual Studio Build Tools 安裝至 Windows 容器,以便支援持續整合與持續傳遞 (CI/CD) 工作流程。 本文將引導您了解需要進行的 Docker 組態變更,以及可在容器中安裝的工作負載和元件。 容器是用來封裝一致之建置系統的好方法,不僅可用於 CI/CD 伺服器環境,也可用於開發環境。 例如,您可以將原始程式碼...
SelectDownload Build Tools. After the download completes, run the installer file. The Visual Studio Installer window opens. In the popup dialog, selectYes. In the next popup dialog, selectContinue. In the Installer window, underDesktop & Mobile, select the checkbox for theDesktop development with...
Free Download Microsoft Visual Studio 2022 Build Tools 17.5.0 Full Version - Automate the process of creating software product . Free Download Microsoft Visual Studio 2022 Build Tools full version standalone offline installer for Windows. These tools help you automate creating a software product, incl...
Note: These components are the same version as the ones installed by the Visual Studio 2015. As a result, the C++ Build Tools installer will not run on a machine with Visual Studio 2015 already installed on it. The reverse (i.e. upgrade to Visual Studio) is supported. These ...
Data Storage and Processing Build Tools Silent Install ID: Microsoft.VisualStudio.Workload.DataBuildTools Description:Build SQL Server Database Projects vs_setup.exe --nocache --wait --noUpdateInstaller --noWeb --add Microsoft.VisualStudio.Workload.DataBuildTools;includeRecommended;includeOptional --...
As the title says, it is not possible to install the latest Windows 10 SDK (10.0.19041.0) using Visual Studio Build Tools Installer. If you are using the latest Windows SDK in your projects they won’t build using C++ build tools unless you install the latest Windows SDK ...