Visual Studio 2017 のライセンス条項を確認したところ、Visual Studio Professional 2017 のライセンスが無くても、「Build Tools for Visual Studio 2017」が利用可能なのかを読み取ることができなかったため、上記内容についてご教示いただきたくお願い申し上げます。また、もしライセンスが無く...
解决方法如下: 项目-->属性--->常规-->平台工具集--->选择 Visual Studio 2017 (v141)确定,就OK
The Visual C++ build tools workload in the Visual Studio Build Tools will install the latest v141 toolset from VS2017 by default. The v140 toolset from VS2015 will install side-by-side with the v141 toolset. To install them just select the “VC++ 2015.3 v140 toolset for deskto...
Microsoft C++ Build Tools fornisce un set di strumenti MSVC tramite un programma di installazione autonomo gestibile tramite script senza Visual Studio. È consigliato se crei librerie e applicazioni C++ destinate a Windows dalla riga di comando, ad esempio come parte del flusso di lavoro di...
To build using the v141 build tools, please install Visual Studio 2017 build tools. Alternatively, you may upgrade to the current Visual Studio tools by selecting the Project menu or right-click the solution, and then selecting "Retarget...
Follow Steps 1-6under“How to Install Visual Studio Build Tools 2017 Silently” OpenNotepador your favorite text editor Add the following lines: { "installChannelUri": ".\\ChannelManifest.json", "channelUri": "", ...
7. März 2017 Die neuen Visual Studio-Buildtools bieten eine einfache Option zum Installieren der Tools, die Sie zum Erstellen systemeigener oder verwalteter MSBuild-Anwendungen benötigen, ohne dass die Visual Studio-IDE erforderlich ist. Weitere Informationen finden Sie unter: https://aka....
Suplement for Visual Studio 2017: If furthermore you are using TFS Build Services (either from a TFS server or from Visual Studio Team Services) to build with Build Tools on your build server, you need a valid TFS license:...
The Visual Studio Community 2022 installer, currently 3.3.1070.38845, installing 17.2.0, allows to install the 2017 build tools for x86: The 2015 tools do are correctly installed and are detectable by vswhere from the CMake Tools extension for VSCode, but 2017 is not....
Microsoft C++ Build Tools 獨立MSVC 編譯器、程式庫及指令碼 下載Build Tools 如何使用 Build Tools