catkin_make-DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Release 此时会开始编译整个项目,编译前会检查{catkin_ws}/darknet_ros/darknet_ros/yolo_network_config/weights文件下有没有yolov2-tiny.weights, yolov3.weights, yolov2.weights三个模型文件,为了节省时间可以提前自行下载(也可以从CMakeLists.txt中删除检查) 订阅话题 在darknet...
orbvins_fusion,在VINS基础上加入ORB特征。 VINS-YOLO,将目标检测与VINS Mono相结合,提升了机器人在加速时的检测效果。 线特征 PL-VINS,加入线特征,并且在低功耗的情况下,PL-VINS在相同的运行速度下可以产生比VINS Mon更高的精度。 VINS-Mono-Optimization,主要内容是在VINS-Mono的基础上加入了线特征,实现了点线...
第17讲:VINS-Fusion+RTABMap的三维稠密重建狗弟爱学无人机 立即播放 打开App,流畅又高清100+个相关视频 更多1649 3 24:01 App 第26讲:无人机检测与追踪行人(YOLO)仿真 769 1 13:48 App 第15讲:VINS-Fusion仿真|视觉惯性里程计 889 1 12:57 App 第3讲:配置与控制不同的无人机 6909 1 42:12 ...
If want to useC API (e.g. Darknet YOLO)withOpenCV3, then: Patch ashereto use other version(3.4.1 is the best) shouldcommentthe /usr/local/include/opencv2/highgui/highgui_c.h line 139as hereafter install -D OPENCV_GENERATE_PKGCONFIG=YESoption is also needed forOpenCV 4.X ...
VINS-Fusion是基于优化的多传感器状态估计器,可为自主应用(无人机,汽车和AR / VR)实现准确的自定位。 VINS-Fusion是的扩展,它支持多种视觉惯性传感器类型(单摄像机+ IMU,立体摄像机+ IMU,甚至仅立体摄像机)。 我们还展示了一个将VINS与GPS融合的玩具示例。 特征: ...
[27] proposes a YOLOv3-based method aimed at enhancing the capability of cross-scale detection and focus- ing on the valuable area. The strength of this paper is to overcome the state esti- mation issues. The proposed algorithms automatically select available sensor data to enhance positioning ...
If want to useC API (e.g. Darknet YOLO)consider : Recommend version is 3.4.0because darknet has to use C API with OpenCVrefer orPatch ashereto use other version shouldcommentthe /usr/local/include/opencv2/highgui/highgui_c.h line 139as hereafter install ...
D-VINS (S) represents a semantic-based method with YOLOV5. D-VINS (G + S) represents a fusion algorithm based on geometric and semantic information. The experimental results are shown in Table 6. Table 6. The ATE-RMSE (m) of D-VINS (G), D-VINS (S), and D-VINS (G + S) on...