PointFusion在检测之前先融合全局图像和点云特征,MSMDFusion在多个尺度上融合激光雷达和RGB特征。[35]提出了一种多任务网络,同时考虑2D和3D目标检测、地面估计和深度补全。TransFusion和BEVFusion在BEV空间使用多头自注意力融合特征。尽管 Transformer 在检测常见物体方面取得了成功,[42]发现TransFusion在检测罕见类别时表现不...
RTDETR改进系列-SlimNeck与Attentional Scale Sequence Fusion的二次创新 7511 -- 3:17 App YOLOV7改进-Soft-NMS(支持多种IoU变种选择) 2827 -- 4:26 App YOLOV7改进模型剪枝 9302 4 9:00 App YOLOV7改进-具有隐式知识学习的Efficient解耦头 4241 1 7:40 App RTDETR改进-最新的FPN变种High-level ...
In YOLOv7, the feature pyramid network (FPN) of the neck stage is constructed through continuous upsampling and skip connections for feature fusion, after continuous downsampling of the backbone. However, this process can result in the loss of precise shallow position information...
题目:Student Classroom Behavior Detection Based on YOLOv7+BRA and Multi-model Fusion 作者:Fan Yang, Tao Wang, and Xiaofei Wang 期刊名称:International Conference on Image and Graphics,2023 链接:h…
YOLOv7-based insulator defect detection with progressive feature fusion and DFC attention 来自 IOP 喜欢 0 阅读量: 5 作者:X You,J Ma 摘要: With the development of smart grids, drones have been widely used for inspecting power transmission lines, generating a large amount of insulator image ...
简介:YOLO还真行 | 2D检测教3D检测做事情,YOLOv7让BEVFusion无痛涨6个点,长尾也解决了 自动驾驶车辆(AVs)必须准确检测来自常见和罕见类别的物体,以确保安全导航,这催生了长尾3D目标检测(LT3D)的问题。当代基于激光雷达(LiDAR)的3D检测器在罕见类别上的表现不佳(例如,CenterPoint仅在_stromler_上达到5.1 AP),...
To address these issues, a traffic sign detection model named YOLOv7-Traffic Sign (YOLOv7-TS) is proposed based on sub-pixel convolution and feature fusion. Firstly, the up-sampling capability of the sub-pixel convolution integrating channel dimension is harnessed and a Feature...
In this paper, we propose MFPIDet, a novel prohibited item detection neural network architecture based on improved YOLOV7 to achieve reliable prohibited item detection in complex environments. Specifically, a multi-scale attention module (MAM) backbone is proposed to filter the redundant information...
其中Precision 表示为"P",Recall 表示为"R",YOLOv7+BRA比YOLOv7系列模型具有更高的 Precision结果。从mAP@̃0.5结果来看,YOLOv7+BRA模型优于 YOLOv7系列模型和YOLOv5m模型,与第二名模型相差2.2%。在 mAP@0.9方面,YOLOv7+BRA模型优于所有其他YOLO系列模型,除了YOLOv7-E6具有更复杂的网络结构并且需要更多的...
Fusion Traffic Sign detection algorithmbased onYOLOv7(HFFTYOLO).First,a self-attention mechanism is incorporated at the end of the backbone network to calculate feature interactions within scales;Secondly,the cross-scale fusion part of the neck introduces a bottom-up multi-path fusion method.Design...